Tickvaluefitpolicy in proc template. No errors appear in my log.
Tickvaluefitpolicy in proc template Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. You Example: specify TICKVALUEATTRS= (SIZE=10PX) in the XAXISOPTS= and YAXISOPTS= options to change the font size for the ticks. Create the graph by running the SGRENDER procedure with appropriate data Types of Forest plots: Hi All, Wish someone can help me for my graph. Getting Started; Community Memo; All Things Community; SAS Customer Recognition Awards (2024) SAS Customer Recognition Awards (2023) SAS Community Library; SAS Product Suggestions; tickvaluefitpolicy=rotate TICKVALUEFITPOLICY determines how SAS will orient the tick labels. This code alone will not create the G raph. The text string for a preferred term is shown on the y axis. I have two different GROUPS, I was able to control markers, patterns but not the color It giving in blue and red. proc sgrender data=test2 template=testgrph; run; Thanks! Marcus. This works: proc template; define statgraph minorticks; begingraph; layout overlay / yaxisopts=(linearopts=(minorticks=true minortickcount=4)); scatterplot x=height y=weight; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data=sashelp. Some GTL statements and options are listed on this page. You will probably find out the answer to your question yourself by reading this paper in-depth: Paper 427-2013 Hello all-I am using SG template to create a bar graph in SAS 9. 8 and the upper line/lower line are value of CI such as 1. . The GTL includes conditional statements that can be used to determine what graph features are rendered, layout statements that specify the arrangement of graph features, plot statements that request specific plot types (such as histograms and scatter plots), and text and legend statements that specify titles, footnotes, The TICKVALUEFITPOLICY= option provides, in a dynamic variable, the approach for handling dense tick marks. but you can find a sas image procedure feature to do it programmatically. Use PROC TEMPLATE to define a STATGRAPH template 2. In this case, you can provide the split characters explicitly in the Does anyone know how to modify width of errorbar in scatterplot with discrete X-axis and use line instead of symbols to display estimate? The target figure is like There are three lines while the middle one is the estimate such as 0. Now, what I need is a new line after the comma. ProductLimitSurvival; dynamic NStrata xName plotAtRisk plotCensored plotCL plotHW plotEP labelCL. class dataset, there is a overlapping of data points. Graphics / sort=path descending; source stat. There are three basic steps to create a graph using GTL. No errors appear in my log. I am doing an template for an AE dotplot for clinical trials. 05 linearopts=(viewmax= 365 tickvaluelist=XTICKVALS tickvaluefitpolicy=XTICKVALFITPOL); endlayout; run; Please help. class template=minorticks; run; The SAS Graph Template Language (GTL) is an extension to the Output Delivery System (ODS) that enables you to create sophisticated graphics. Graphics. The effectiveness of a collision-avoidance policy depends on the number of tick values, their length, and the length of the axis. With options that interact with ODS STYLE setttings, such as Attrpriority the style used becomes important also. procedure-driven templates, as well as create completely customized graphs that cannot be produced from a procedure-driven template. Alternatively, you could set the xaxis offsetmax for the left cell and offsetmin for the 2nd right cell to push the markers furthur into each cell. templat(update) sashelp. The goal of this paper is to show how to create graphs with multiple y -axes commonly used in the clinical trials domain using PROC TEMPLATE and SAS/GRAPH® SG procedures. I want all the values plotted but display only some of them . The y axis ticks are wrapped in 40% of the width of the graph. classAtRisk plotBand plotTest GroupName yMin Transparency SecondTitle. For example, this style template will change the tick marks to bold and cyan, using the LISTING destination as the basic "starter" template. By default, the GraphOpts macro variable is null. I am finding a major challenge to do annotation in sgpanel output. provides options for tooltips for the step plots. cynthia [pre] ** change group colors with style template; ods path work. All rights reserved. Which policies are vali tickvaluefitpolicy=XTICKVALFITPOL); proc template; define statgraph Stat. ‘MyPlot’ B1003 BEGINGRAPH; tickvaluefitpolicy=rotate) * Pre-defined a set of axis options by using LAYOUT OVERLAY statement: X-axis, Y-axis and Y2-axis; Macro variables can define the maximum or Greetings, I need to find a way to assign a font color to the Y axis ticks, depending on whether or not the Y value is within a predefined list of values. Tips. I have tried to get force a line shift in the text Hello, I have this code to put the data I need separated by a comma. 0 Likes 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Accepted Solutions Jay54. pdf). All template definitions in the Graphics Template Language (GTL) must start with a BEGINGRAPH statement and end with an This sample illustrates how to specify the tick value list with a dynamic variable in the Graph Template Language (GTL). proc template; source Stat. Previous Page | Next Page | Top of Page of new options to create sophisticated analytical graphs. template languages, you can modify graph and style templates and make permanent changes that apply every time you run a procedure. This paper introduces the GTL with clinical trial examples. linearopts=(tickvaluefitpolicy=rotate Hi everyone, I have this fomat that has a unicode for greater or equal to and would like to use a chatagory in a graph similar to the output of this example code below. I am displaying bar value at the top of bar using barlabel=true. proc template; define statgraph ohne_bahnen_abschlackbandV1; dynamic _varY _varX _bygr; begingraph ; layout lattice / rowdatarange=data colum The PARENT option in the PROC TEMPLATE indicates that the template definition is in part based on another template. You may want to IN the proc tempalte I have used below axis options. tmplmst; list stat. 3 DRAWTEXT statements in the Graph Template Language (GTL) to split axis values across multiple lines. in the code, in addition to styles. Configuration. Operating Environments . Note that the axis options (XAXISOPTS and YAXISOPTS, respectively) are part of the Note that the PROC TEMPLATE code is very similar to the proc template; path sashelp. But I am trying to control the colors of the data. Displays all templates elements that proc template; ods graphics on; ods trace on; proc corresp data = PhD short; ods select configplot; var y1973-y1978; id Science; run; The trace output for this step (not shown) shows that the template for this plot is Stat. The template (which works perfectly) that I must modify to achieve what is requested is the following: proc template; define statgraph contour I believe suggestion by Rodriguez would work. 2 . We also specify a minimum value of 0 for the y-axis with the VIEWMIN option. orsales template=unionall; where product_group in ("Golf" "Darts" "Baseball"); run; By default, the minimum and Here you go: proc template; define statgraph sgplot; begingraph /; layout overlay / xaxisopts=( Label="time" labelFitPolicy=Split type=discrete discreteopts=( TickValueFitPolicy=SplitRotate ) griddisplay=on ) I am new to proc template . glm; run; folder in the log window. - ClusterAxis to allow clustering on either X or Y axis. Graph Template Structure < proc template; define statgraph template-name; begingraph / <designheight=h> designwidth=w> <options>; GTL-global-statements The LAYOUT LATTICE statement in PROC TEMPLATE is a handy tool for displaying multiple graphs on the same page. Also, how to wrap x axis value. * Define a style to determine the color for each of the groups. )) xaxisopts=(discreteopts=(tickvaluelist=(&all. The Graphics Template Language can also be used in conjunction with special DATA step features to produce graphs independently. Thanks in advance. 2. Is there any way to sup Proc Template Legend Posted 06-08-2017 11:41 AM (3417 views) My legend is not showing up. specify the attribute map ID variable using the DISCRETEATTRVAR variable in the StatGraph template. I also can modify the ticks on the x-axis, etc. Customer Support SAS Spatial Data and Procedure Guide. How to have equal space between 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 48. Corresp. Often the text string is very long why I want have a line break so the term will be on two lines (the y axis tick mark label). SGPLOT went a step further and made it the default fit policy (FitRotate). Can anyone help with this? proc template; define statgraph seriesplot ; begingraph/ d See if one of the TICKVALUEFITPOLICY= options helps. The GTL templates are defined with PROC TEMPLATE. In the matrix, the notations V, H, and B are used to indicate the axes to PROC TEMPLATE; RUN; To define, compile and save the template. Define STYLE template 3. - Setting of group colors, etc. At the top of each bar I want to show the confidence intervals. 1. Tips Tick Value Fit Policy Applicability Matrix provides a matrix of the tick value fit policies and the axes to which each applies in the OVERLAY, LATTICE, DATALATTICE, The TEMPLATE procedure enables you to customize the appearance of crosstabulation (contingency) tables that are created with the FREQ procedure. Personally, I do not prefer rotated tick values, but that would work. Then combined them in a proc template statement below (just I have also tried all these procs. I am using this code since most of the code written previously. ODS and ODS Graphics Tip Sheets. ProductLimitFailure; run; In order to modify the failure plot, copy the template code from the log into a file and insert tickvaluefitpolicy=XTICKVALFITPOL)) yaxisopts=(label="Failure Probability" shortlabel="Failure" %SurvivalTemplateRestore %let yOptions = label="Survival Probability" shortlabel="Survival" labelattrs=(size=12pt weight=bold) tickvalueattrs=(size=8pt weight=bold) linearopts=(viewmin=0 viewmax=1 tickvaluelist=(0 . Right now I have the colors designated in a template that changes the colors of the bars (barchart) successfully based on a facility but when I attempt to use the color grouping in the scatterplot, it simply makes them all black. In this case, they are rotated and have minimal spacing (ROTATETHIN). ProfilesOverTreatmentC; run; Starting from these statements I will create the new plot with the altered Y proc template; define statgraph OHLC; begingraph; entrytitle 'Stock Chart for IBM'; layout overlay / xaxisopts=(display=(ticks tickvalues line) discreteopts=(tickvaluefitpolicy=thin)); boxplotparm x=date y=value stat=stat; seriesplot x=date y=close2 / lineattrs=(color=gray); endlayout; endgraph; end; run; /*--OHLC plot--*/ proc sgrender data=boxParm The STYLE template defines the format information for the visual SAS output. The effectiveness of a collision-avoidance policy depends on the number of tick values, their length, I am trying to modify my KM plots to include dashed lines rather than solid (SAS 9. Adding Text. B1002 . For This first part of this example changes the default title of the survival plot in PROC LIFETEST from "Product-Limit Survival Estimates" to "Kaplan-Meier Plot" through a template change. Following is my code: proc format; value trt 0='300mg(day1), 300mg(day7), 600mg(day8), 600mg(day21)' 1='Placebo (day1 to specify the attribute map ID variable by using the DATTRVAR statement in the SGRENDER procedure. The following step displays this template: proc template; source Stat. pvalue gives the code of template definition in the log window: run; proc template; source stat. Tick Value Fit Policy Applicability Matrix provides a matrix of the tick value fit policies and the axes to which each applies in the OVERLAY, LATTICE, DATALATTICE, DATAPANEL, and EQUATED layouts. Submit a Problem; Update a Problem; Check Problem Status; SAS Administrators; Security Bulletins; License Assistance; Manage My Software Account; Downloads & Hot Fixes; Samples & SAS Notes. I am still wondering why it's not shown if I do not specify this option, since there is enough space to show the last tick And in another similar outputs, I have 1 more tick at 0, and in that output I don't specify the TICKVALUEFITPOLICY op Can We able to fill the Marker symbols with data values in the scatter graph like in the first image? any suggestions. Currently, I have this 1 due to symptom1,2 due to symptom2,1 due to symptom3,3 due to symptom4,1 due to symptom5, 1 due to symptom6, and so on. The TEMPLATE procedure defines and saves the Graph's structure as a template for later usage . Approaches include rotation, staggering, and thinning. According to documentation that I' Prior to learning PROC TEMPLATEand the graph template language ( GTL), honestly, it was easier use post processing procedures, like Photoshop, to combine plots or to use other statistical software. 8 1. I have tried increasing the area size of my graph but it still doesn't show up. Without data and the Sgrender statements it is next to impossible to test GTL code. If neither of these requirements is met, the descriptions in the attribute map data set are ignored. Browse by Topic; Search Samples; For detailed information about these statements, see SAS Graph Template Language: Reference. In addition, an AXISLEGEND statement must be specified to generate the axis legend. - Improved data label positioning. Configuration; run; proc template; define statgraph Grid_Plot_2; begingraph; - Better tickvaluefitpolicy default for axes - SplitRotate. How to display the value at the center of the bar instead of top? 2. In addition, an AXISLEGEND statement must be specified to generate PROC TEMPLATE in GTL can create customized graphs. I know PROC TEMPLATE can seem like an insurmountable feat. Meteorite | Level 14. - Axis aligned tables - Row and Column. Such graph can be created using PROC TEMPLATE and SAS/GRAPH® SG procedures. Such as, label is too long to fit in one proc template; define statgraph sgplot; begingraph; EntryTitle "Subject 2007 - TEST CASE - Version 2" /; What about playing around with the TICKVALUEFITPOLICY options/settings? It might be difficult to get them all on the plot though. Browse by Topic; Search Samples; Dear all, I am using PROC SGRENDER in order to create a barchart of two groups at eight different time points. The BEGINGRAPH and ENDGRAPH statements define the outermost container for the Graph and must contain all the GTL statements. You can delete options. data myattr; length id $8 value $40 linecolor $ 6 markercolor $6 textcolor $6; Community. Create the graph by running the SGRENDER procedure with appropriate data Types of Forest plots: proc template; define statgraph layoutdatalattice; begingraph; entrytitle "Annual Furniture Sales Comparisons"; layout datalattice rowvar=country columnvar=year / rowdatarange=union headerlabellocation=inside headerlabeldisplay=value headerbackgroundcolor=GraphAltBlock:color rowaxisopts=(griddisplay=on Hey, I want to use FILLPATTERN in my boxplot, but I do not find the right syntax, I do not know how to use fillpattern or fillpatternattrs in proc template. Example: delete To enable an axis legend, the DISCRETEOPTS= option must set the TICKVALUEFITPOLICY to either EXTRACT or EXTRACTALWAYS. 4 Graph Template Language: Reference, Fifth Edition documentation. 6 . Please see the attatched to see desired output. First, we created the template named ‘scat’ in proc template procedure and then introduced this ‘scat’ template in proc sgrender. Additionally, GTL makes it easier to incorporate features which in the past may have been difficult to incorporate, e. . Lifetest. TICKVALUEFITPOLICY=policy specifies a policy for avoiding tick value collision on an axis. because of defau I have the below code which is working for keeping all figures in one page, How ever because of the busy data, the graph doesnt show up. Now, knowing the space available on the x-axis for each tick value, first the procedure will try to split the long values on white space, and if the longest word still does not fit, we rotate the values. For example, use _REFLINES="0,9" in the code, below, instead of _REFLINES="100". 4 . I ran your proc sgplot statements to create code for the layouts for proc template. By default, crosstabulation tables are formatted according to the proc template; define statgraph mysgplot; begingraph; layout overlay / cycleattrs=true xaxisopts=(label=" " offsetmax=0 type=time timeopts=(tickvaluelist=(12842 13207 13573 13938 14303 14668 15034 15399 This sample uses the SAS® 9. Example Program and Statement Details. Produce the Graph with the SGRENDER procedure: proc template; define statgraph Y2Panel; begingraph; entrytitle 'Mileage and Horsepower by Origin and Type'; layout datalattice columnvar=origin / headerlabeldisplay=value columnweight=proportional. Tick Value Fit Policy Applicability Matrix. com SAS® Help Center. This is a continuation of my GTL Box plot learning curve :) I have Win64 SAS 9. Use a DRAWTEXT statement to add a text element to your graph. There are two graph templates for the failure option of PROC LIFETEST, one for having the at-risk counts displayed within the figure and the other for displaying them beneath the horizontal The TICKVALUEFITPOLICY= option provides, in a dynamic variable, the approach for handling dense tick marks. An AXISLEGEND Hi, I am trying to produce a graph from sgpnel. - Jittering. Another way would be to allow tick value splitting by setting the TickValueFitPolicy. Can anyone suggest me what modifications I need. sas. PS: Example provided is sashelp. The setting works well to reduce clutter in a When I graph it in proc sgplot (output to rtf), I want every value to appear on the x-axis (each and every month). Corresp. Hence I would need to split this into two pages(may me into more pages) . TITLE AND FOOTNOTES • If we have to represent a title in two lines, then we write two entrytitle statements. Support. In-Database Technologies . As a SAS TICKVALUEFITPOLICY=ROTATEALWAYS TICKVALUEROTATION=VERTICAL)) yaxisopts=(display=(label ticks tickvalues) label=' ' proc template; define statgraph AEbyRelativeRisk; dynamic _thk _grid; begingraph; layout lattice / columns=2 rowdatarange=union columngutter=1; /*--Row block to get common external row axes--*/ Else, The STYLE template defines the format information for the visual SAS output. To enable an axis legend, the DISCRETEOPTS= option must set the TICKVALUEFITPOLICY to either EXTRACT or EXTRACTALWAYS. The code will appear in the log. In addition, it provides some methods to solve problems we often meet when we create graphs. I tried the x-axis option "interval= month", but that had no effect. Initially, I displayed N count along the X axis using colaxistable statement proc template; define statgraph unionall; begingraph / designwidth=350px designheight=400px; entrytitle "Yearly Profit for Sports Products"; layout datapanel classvars= (product_group)/ rowdatarange endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data=sashelp. specifies a policy for avoiding tick value collision on an axis. My dataset contains 16 records with the value of each bar ("a_rate") for each of the two groups ("group_id") at each time po Hello, I do not know by heart w hich part of the proc lifetest template does that, but you may find below paper interesting and inspiring. See this article which does exactly that, and then displays the Survival plot with a relatively simple SAS 9. Working with the code, below, I can easily get either zero or multiple reference line(s) to display. My It is hard to say what is wrong without the full program and sample data. 0/0. The basic syntax is as follows: DRAWTEXT <TEXTATTRS=(text-options)> "text" / X= x Y= y < options > In your DRAWTEXT statement, specify in “ text ” the text that you want to appear in your text element. Cynthia. linearopts=(tickvaluefitpolicy=stagger tickvaluelist=(&trt1)) tickvalueattrs=(size=6pt proc template; define statgraph sgplot1; begingraph; %if &biasarea=3 %then %do; layout lattice / rows=3 rowweights=(. The proc glm プロシジャを使用すると,デフォルトで箱ひげ図が表示されます。 その表示された箱ひげ図に外れ値がある場合,既定の範囲を超えるとその外れ値に対して, 入っているデータのobs番号が横につくのですが,このobs番号を表示させない方法を 知っている人がいれば,教えていただけますでしょうか。 This seems to be all PROC TEMPLATE and SGRENDER code. text variable have one value I used proc template to display your graphs in a lattice with 1 column. Finally seeking in the last item path common. 2 template. Moving and Accessing SAS Files. ) tickvaluefitpolicy=rotatethin)); The xaxisopts helps me with this. I am trying to remove the highlighted part 24H in below graph on day 1 day 7 and day 8, but keep the 24H in day 21 section. I just wanted to know the simplest way to modify the x-axis when using PROC LIFETEST. I see this question was asked and solved here: With TICKVALUEFITPOLICY being set to THIN in the code for Figure 5, every other tick and its associated value are removed from the graph. However, often it is easier to create the basic graph if you can extract the data from proc lifetest using ODS Output. There is no result. Graphics. The following example divides a graph into 4 different rows, with two graphs stacked on top of each other, in a portrait orientation. But I cannot get exactly 1 refe GraphValueText is the style element you would need to change. In this paper, we will take sample graphs Hi, Below is the attib data that im using. Thank you. Thanks ahead of time! proc format; value age 1="< 5 Years" 2="^{unicode '2265'x} 5 Years"; run; data race; infile datalines dl The LAYOUT OVERLAY statement’s DISCRETEOPTS= option specifies TICKVALUEFITPOLICY=EXTRACT, which implements the axis legend if a collision occurs in the tick-value display for the X axis. In order to output the generated graph to rtf, we used SAS output delivery system (ODS). What I need is 1 due to SAS® 9. 4) by modifying the template. Now, you may want to have the tick values wrap in a tighter zone, leaving more width for the data area. Re: Cannot show every tick values in PROC TEMPLATE Posted 12-18-2017 03:01 PM (11974 views) | In reply to WarrenKuhfeld I did try VIEWMAX=150, 200, and 144 is not shown as well I am trying to create a graph using the PROC TEMPLATE. tmplmst(read); proc template; Re: how to wrap x axis tick marks wrapping in PROC template Posted 05-20-2024 05:30 PM (789 views) | In reply to SASuserlot Since Axis options differ for Layout Overlay, Layout Overlay3d, Layout Lattice, Layout Overlayequated, and Layout Datalattice or Datapanel you should provide which Layout you are contemplating. by descending mpg_highway; where make="Dodge"; proc sgrender data=dodge template=axislegend; run; Statement Summary. The TICKVALUEFITPOLICY= option sets ***Create the template for figure output; proc template; define statgraph axislegend ; begingraph; entrytitle "Mileage for Vehicles Made by Dodge"; layout overlay / xaxisopts=(name="xaxis" discreteopts=(tickvaluefitpolicy=extract)) ; barchart category=model response=mpg_highway / stat=mean ; axislegend "xaxis"; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; Hi All, Using the SAS Institute PROC LIFETEST Template I can modify the y-axis to remove extra white space given that survival is >75% in both groups. provides options for the template BEGINGRAPH statement. ttest. I used datalabel and want the values to rotate so that they are horizontally displayed but it's not working (see myfilename1. 0)); %let xOptions = shortlabel=XNAME offsetmin=. BEGINGRAPH AND ENDGRAPH BLOCK . 4 M2. Please not that this only seen when the results is outputted as pdf. But I want a cumulative mortality curve not a survival curve. 2) rowdatarange=union rowgutter=2 columndatarange=unionall; %end; discreteopts=(tickvaluefitpolicy=thin ) label="Ref FC Concentration" labelattrs=(weight=bold); endcolumnaxes; %if &sumbias2 ge 1 or &sumlimit2 This sample illustrates how to create macro variables in Graph Template Language (GTL) using the MVAR statement. NAME”; run; FIGURE 1: A SIMPLE SCATTER PLOT WITH GTL . The following options are The Survival Plot template in PROC Lifetest can get quite complex. To obtain the PROC TEMPLATE code, run the following. You can set TICKVALUEFITPOLICY to a compound policy ROTATETHIN, STAGGERTHIN, or proc template; define statgraph matrix; begingraph / designheight=%eval(250+&size) /* Size: a bit higher than wider */ designwidth =%eval(200+&size); entrytitle "Toeplitz Matrix"; entrytitle "Values Greater than Three are Outlined"; layout overlay / yaxisopts=(discreteopts=(tickvaluefitpolicy=none) proc template; define statgraph Survey_GTL; begingraph; Note, we have to specify the TickValueFitPolicy=fit when using GTL. proc sgrender data = <DATA SET> template = “TEMPLATE. 3 Graph Template Language that is a language used for creating graphs in SAS. - Annotate with GTL - this is a big one. g. And it is template based language which gives drawer the full space to customize a Axis label : We could use TICKVALUEFITPOLICY=ROTATE to rotate label of axis, but could not define the color of SAS Graph Template Language: User’s Guide. Using PROC TEMPLATE in SAS Enterprise Guide Part I Kaiqing Fan, Mastech Digital Inc. It discusses the ways in which the SAS System leverages the power of GTL to create graphics using other tools and systems. , embedding a table of data within the output area or displaying multiple graphs, whether multiple graphs are of the same After defining the template, PROC SGRENDER is used to render the graph . DEFINE STATGRAPH MyPlot; END; Defines the structure of the graph and name it as e. Jing Wang, China Minsheng Bank ABSTRACT In banking industry, all the variables, their values and requirements are keeping changing. Community. LINEAROPTS = (TICKVALUEFITPOLICY=THIN) is the default action for linear axes: You can set TICKVALUEFITPOLICY=STAGGER, which creates alternating tick values on two rows. I personally think the unrotated graph is Dear all, I have a problem using sgplot fitpolicy. 05 labelattrs=(size=12pt weight=bold) tickvalueattrs=(size=8pt weight=bold) Most supplied templates use the default setting AUTO_OFF to indicate a preference for not displaying grid lines, but allowing the style to override. The following statements run PROC LIFETEST to display the survival plot and to determine the template name: LINEAROPTS = (TICKVALUEFITPOLICY=THIN) is the default action for linear axes: You can set TICKVALUEFITPOLICY=ROTATE which angles the tick value text 45 degrees: You can set TICKVALUEFITPOLICY=STAGGER which creates alternating tick values on two rows. proc template; layout overlay / xaxisopts =(shortlabel=XNAME offsetmin=. temp(update) sasuser. 3. labelHW labelEP maxTime xtickVals xtickValFitPol method StratumID. the requirement is to display the N count below the X axis. Home; Welcome. Getting Started; Community Memo; All Things Community; SAS Customer Recognition Awards (2024) Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company This User's Guide provides information on SAS 9. Does anyone have any suggestions? (TICKVALUEFITPOLICY=split TICKVALUESPLITJUSTIFY=center) TICKVALUEATTRS=( size=8pt weight=bold ) display=( Much apprecated! I tried STAGGERTHIN and 144 is shown. Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Mute; RSS Feed; Permalink; Print; discreteopts=(tickvaluefitpolicy=split)) For y axis, splitting is done allowing the axis to occupy max 40% of the width. 6. Let’s look at some other interesting things in this code. See if one of the TICKVALUEFITPOLICY= options helps. Nothing seems to work.