Sdm agra contact number. Centre/DIET Center/BTC/Location/Pin Code.
Sdm agra contact number Landline No. Designation CUG Mobile Number; 1: Mau DM : 9454417523: 2: Mau ADM (F/R) 9454417594: 3: Chief Revenue Officer: 9454417222: 4: City Magistrate Mau: 9454417982: 5 Contact Details of Government Officials Posted in the District Officer Name Office Telephone No Home/Fax Mobile No Email-ID Commissioner Saharanpur 2765736,2766111 commsah@nic. Contact Directory. CTO: Ajay Kumar Singh AC (Mobile Squad) - 6,Agra: 9919219870: Agra: Agra: 1970: 3. goiSearch, #topBar1 #accessibility ul li . Dinesh, HCS: SDM Pataudi: sdm[dot]pataudi-hry[at]nic[dot]in: 0124-2672900: SDM Office Pataudi: Sh. Superintendent of Police (SP) 224413 224288 224895 9454400268 3. Last update on 25 Mar, 2022 Registered with us on 15 Feb, 2012 District and Sessions Court, R. , B. D. Ratia 4. goiSearch{ visibility: visible;} #topBar #accessibility ul li . Email Id. SHEOPUR: 9630771110: CIRCLE AGRA & GASWANI DIST SHEOPUR: SDM KARAHAL: 9993480833: Collectorate Office Sheopur (M. com 5 Ch. Sanjay Sharma Deputy Director(Central Zone) ddtre-man-hp [at]nic[dot]in 01905-237850 82193-42122 Sh. IAS District Magistrate, Prayagraj (UP) Phone: +91-532-2440515 (O), 2250300 (R) Mobile: +91-9454417517 Email: dmall[at]nic[dot]in SDM, Badshahpur: sdm-badshahpur[dot]grg[at]hry[dot]gov[dot]in: 0124-2570029: SDM Badshahpur, Sector-57, Wazirabad, Gurugram: Sh. up. D) SDM baheri Aonla 05822-2511291 05823-231010 05823-232048 05823-222022 Tehsildar city Civil judge(J. 2023 Contact Person: Phone No: email id Office Address: 1 Ceg Help Desk: 0522-2304706 Agra: 2 Aligarh: Narottam Singh District Incharge : 8532834041 dialigarh@vayamtech. Initial Response – Excellent. LIC customer zone: AMRITSAR. Officer Office Telephone No Residence Telephone No E-mail ID 1 District Magistrate 227077,227076 207001, 206090 dmhat[at]nic[dot]in 2 ADM(F&R) 227080,276388 9454417586 admhat[at]gmail[dot]com 3 SDM Hathras 277268 9454417800 4 SDM Sadabad – 9454417791 5 SDM Sikandra rao 05721-244216 9454417792 6 SDM Sasni SDM Batala Designation : SDM Batala Landline No : 01871-240036 Toll-Free Citizen Helpline Numbers of Agra Municipal Corporation: Agra Nagar Nigam complaint number: 1533, +915624003492: Toll-free citizen helpline number: 18004197788: Sewer complaint number: Write down your name, address, and contact number. Users can get name of the officials, their designation, telephone numbers and other contact details. Joint Magistrate CUG 5. Officer C. Designation CUG Mobile Number; 1: DM Pratapgarh: 9454417520: 2: CDO Pratapgarh: 9454465541: 3: ADM F/R: 9454417591: 4: ADM L/R: 9454417890: 5: Chief Treasury Contact Numbers of Deputy Directors Name Designation Email Office Telephone No. Nagaraju District Horticulture,Officer 7995086794 dhonandyaldistrict@gmail. 1022, Agra-282002 Info Center number: 0562-2524912 Email: customerzone_agra[at]licindia[dot]com LIC Customer Care in Category: Up Government scheme Tags: Azamgarh District Level Officers Mobile Numbers, Azamgarh DM Contact Mobile Number, Azamgarh DM SDM CDO BDO Tehsildar contact Mobile Number, Azamgarh Lekhpal List And CUG Mobile Number, Dm Office Azamgarh contact number S. Chief Development Officer (CDO) 224514 224421 221919 9454464564 4. OFFICE 1 Agra 9454417509 0562-2260184 2 Firozabad 9454417510 05612-285002 3 Mainpuri 9454417511 05672-234308 4 Mathura उपजिलाधिकारी के दूरभाष नंबर की सूचना: S. Related Links. District Collectors are entrusted with a wide range of duties in [] Agra Contact number: +91-5622524912. Agra. Home; Contact; Contact Contact February 23, 2021 2024-10-22 7:25. Fax – 05278-222214. Block is headed by Block Development Officer(BDO). in: 9: Treasury Officer, Ranikhet (Near SDM Office)Pin-263645: 0135-2226610: For any query regarding this Complete A ddresses and Contact Number/Mobile/Landlines of D. Testimonials. Vikash Bhavan, Katra, Prayagraj-211002 (Uttar Pradesh) India. District Magistrate, Hardoi: Shri Mangala Prasad Singh: 9454417556: 05852-234537/234680: SDM Sadar Email : dmluc[at]nic[dot]in Designation : SDM Sadar S. Chandra Vijay Singh. Harsimranpreet Kaur (IAS) 07362-260015: ACEO Zila Panchayat: Shri Jitendra Singh Sengar: 07362-260017: Mobile Number of DYC Landline number of Kendra Maldah 03512-253-092 Maldah DFO,Malda 9434376950 dfomaldaforest@gmail. Sub-Treasury Officer, Bhikiyasain, SDM Office Campus, Tehsil Compound, Pin - 263667: 0135-2226603: 7617588603: treas-bhi-ua@nic. Joint Magistrate CUG 6. General inquiries: info@agra. No District Tehsil CUG; 1 : AGRA: Waha: 9454417666: Etmadpur Contact No. email id – upagr[at]nic District-Agra (Rural Area) 41: Siddharth Mishra: Chief Engineer (Distribution-II) Agra Zone (Agra, Mathura) 9193303000: 42: Jata Shankar Mishra: Superintending Engineer, Electricity Distribution Circle, Agra: 9193303131: 43: Amit Kumar: Executive Engineer, Electricity Distribution Division-I, Agra: 9193303050: 44: Vivek Kumar Singh District wise tehsil/sub tehsil/SDO/SDM/RAA Information Revenue Account Information Accounting Manual 1972 Pages 1-50 Pages 51-100 Pages 101-150 Contact: 91-145-2627620, 2627023, 2627024 2429232(O) | Who’s Who? Sl. Designation CUG Mobile Number; 1: Sitapur DM : 9454417560: 2: Sitapur ADM : 9454417631: 3: City Magistrate: 9454416533: 4: Sitapur SDM : 9454416534: 5: SDM Laharpur We have written here Allahabad Phone Numbers – District Levels Officers UP. Fatehabad 2 Tohana 3. Contact SDM. SDM College of Medical Sciences & Hospital Manjushree Nagar, Sattur Dharwad - 580009 Karnataka, India. , District Revenue Officer 7815959524 nandyaldro@gmail. Vibhu SDM Jhansi Road: SDM Office Lashkar: Shri Divyanshu Chaudhary (IAS) SDM Dabra: sdmdabra2011[at]gmail[dot]com: 07524-222600: SDM Office Dabra: Shri Ashok Singh Chouhan : SDM Morar: Shri Devki Nandan Singh : SDM Bhitarwar: 0751-2446242: SDM Office Bhitarwar: Shri Narendra Babu Yadav : SDM Lashkar: 07525-287100 Sr. New Permit; Duplicate Permit; Renewal of Permit; Temporary permit; Contact Us; Home link » About us AGRA: ARTO(E)-II: Lalit Kumar-8005441095: 9452619922: 4: AGRA: ARTO(T) Rachana Yaduvanshi-8005441089: 8447818868: 5: ALIGARH: ARTO(A) DISTRICT MAGISTRATE/COLLECTOR’s CONTACT. com A/2, Vikram Colony, Ramghat Road, Aligarh - 202001: 3 Ambedkar Nagar: Santosh Bhardwaj District Incharge Fancy Number Booking; Online Permit. 0120-2711883 Office Landline No. Additional District Magistrate (ADM) (F/R) Gorakhpur: 9454417615 Contact Details Of Commissioners and District Magistrates Of U. Regional Offices. U. Email Id; 1 DR. Indramani Tripathi (I. Last Updated: Feb Serial No. M Block, Achnera Cantoment Nagar Parishad, Agra Tehseel,Kirawali A. Last update on 31 Mar, 2022 Registered with us on 15 Feb, 2012 S. com A district is an administrative division of a state. uk System queries and technical support are available: Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm Contact List of Department Officers (as of 08-08-2024) Revenue. Officer’s Designation Office Residence Mobile Number 1. Collectorate Office, Hardoi ; Designation Name Mobile No. 5008/OSD/Date 18 Sep. LIC Customer Zone: Ahmedabad. com 3 T. Media inquiries: media@agra. Name of Tehseel/Taluka Name of Nodal Agra Municipal Commissioner Tehseel, Etmadpur A. Y. Email [email protected] ज्वाइंट मजिस्ट्रेट परीक्षित खटाना को एसडीएम सदर बनाया गया है। वहीं एसडीएम सदर निधि डोडवाल को एसडीएम न्यायिक फतेहाबाद बनाया गया, Agra Hindi News - Hindustan Historical facts About Heritage Court building at Agra . Our Accreditations. Last Updated: Feb 12, 2025Feb 12, 2025 Contact Number. Centre/DIET Center/BTC/Location/Pin Code. 2025 regarding अटल पुरम योजना के निर्माण हेतु ग्राम ककुआ तहसील आगरा सामाजिक समाघात निर्धारण कमैटी की रिपोर्ट। Office order letter no. PHONE NUMBER:- 0532-2641350. , Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad, Pin Code-201002 Fax no. Like DM, ADM, SDO, ACM, Tehsildar, DDO, BDO and all others. ) Shri Yashveer Singh Tomar: Deputy Collector: Sr. Bhattu [] Revenue; Name Designation Email Address Phone Mobile No Fax; Dr. Mohan Rao Dt Agriculture,Officer 8331057582 daonandyal@gmail. Administration; Name Designation Email Address Phone; Smt. uppolice keep you safe, suraksha aapki - sankal hamara General Administration Agra division consists of four districts namely- Agra, Firozabad, Mathura and Mainpuri, and is headed by the Divisional Commissioner of Agra. Find us on Social. Email: customerzone_agra@licindia. of Officer Zone wise assending order. Filter Directory department wise NAYAB TEHSILDAR CIRCLE AGRA & GASWANI (EXTRA CHARGE) DIST. Suite S305 | Granada Square | 16 Chartwell Drive | Umhlanga | Durban 4320 Tel: 031 561 1431 Find contact details of Agra District, Uttar Pradesh. S. Mobile No. Colleges Electricity Universities Postal Hospitals Banks Sl. com Letter No 2652 ADDRESS:- District & Sessions Court Prayagraj, Oppt. Name Designation Mobile Number Email Id; Shri Ghasiram: DSWO AGRA : 9151935159: dswagra@dirsamajkalyan. You are here: Home; Contact List; CSC Counter, Feeder Managers. The Commissioner is the head of local government institutions in the division; is in charge of infrastructure development in his division; and is also responsible for maintaining law and Jansunwai/Samadhan. socialIcons ul, # Sr. Nagpur 5 Bhuna 6. co. This is an Official Website of Uttar Pradesh Police (UP Police) that provides online information about CCTNS services, police units, emergency services, citizen services and all the uppolice activities. P. Officer Name Designation office Phone (STD Code- 0120) 1: Shri Deepak Meena, IAS: District Magistrate: 2824416, 2820106, 2821616, 2828798 फैक्स S. D. Government Offices Telephone Directory STD code-05342. com DISTRICT PROBATION OFFICE Collectrate Agra Distt. in-DSWO ALIGARH : 9151935151: dswaligarh@dirsamajkalyan. Feb 20, 2025 S. Sadar Dewani Adalat & Sadar Nizamat Adalat was established on 01. AGRA Malawi, Private Bag B343, Area 10/587|Lilongwe Behind Area 10 Pacific Mall- SDM; Office Name Contact; SDM Agar: Shri Sarvesh Yadav: 07362-258030: SDM Susner: Shri Milind Dhoke: 07361-233432 . Designation Telephone/Mobile Number 1 Commissioner Azamgarh 9454417494, 05462-268916 (Office), 05462-260900 (Residence), 04562-260522 (Fax) SDM’s Contact Details; S No Designation Mobile no Email id; 1: SDM Ballia: 9454417955: sdm[dot]sadar[dot]bl-up[at]gov[dot]in: 2: SDM Bairia: 9454417958: Office order letter no. Phone number +91 836 247 7575. In case you have any query regarding this website, you may write to the You can also contact us at the following address: DIO,NIC Computer Centre ,Collectorate,Agra-282001. Commissioner (admin) 9454417996: 3: Addl Commissioner (Fin) 4: ADM (E) 9454417197: 5: ADM (F/R <style> #topBar #accessibility ul li . Sign up to stay updated. Hoshiyar Singh, HCS: SDM Sohna: sdm[dot]southgrg-hry[at]gov[dot]in: 0124-2395042: SDM Office Sohna: Sh. M. Road, P. Here all officers are posted on other posts. 2024 regarding Name Contact No. District Mobile No. Maruti Complex, Subhash Chowk, Gurukul Road, Memnagar, Ahmedabad- 380052 Contact Number : +91-7927461662/ 27461032/ 27490619 Email : customerzone_ahmedabad@licindia. Email Address Name of Incharge Designation; 1: DIET AGRA: Panchkunya Shahganj,Agra,Pincode-282001,Uttar Pradesh : 7376270457: diet Near SDM Court This is an Official Website of Uttar Pradesh Police (UP Police) that provides online information about CCTNS services, police units, emergency services, citizen services and all the uppolice activities. FAX NUMBER:- 0532-2440935 The accuracy of the company profile for Agra (CO-OP) LTD is validated by the company owner, representative, or directory administrator. Bharatpur District;. Each district in India has an officer-in-charge who represents the state governments in that area in the capacity of Collector/District Magistrate. Email Id –dmayo[dot]up[at]up[dot]gov[dot]in. Sr. M Block, Barauli Aheer (SDM) 9454417711 MAINPURI RAKESH KUMAR NIRALA (BDO) 9454464511 Nagar APPLICATIONS FOR NOMINATION OF MEMBERS IN CGRFs; Multipoint Conversion - 13 th Amendment, ES Code 2005. No Name of the Officer Department Mobile Number Mail ID 2 Sri. तहसीलदार के दूरभाष नंबर की सूचना: S. P This website is designed & developed by National Informatics Center District Agra and maintained by District Administration, Agra. 01. Email [email protected] College Office . No Name of the DIET Full Postal Address Contact No. noscript_tag. in © District Fatehabad , Developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India. 1832 in this building. No District Name Name of DM Batch CUG Mobile STD OFFICE RESIDENCE FAX E-mail 1 Agra Ajay Chauhan 1998(RR) 9454417509 0562 2260184 2466210 2364718 dmagr@up. M Block, Bicpuri Nagar Panchayat,Dayal bagh Tehseel, Kheragadh A. No Name of Tehsil 1 Agra 2 Fatehabad 3 Kirawali 4 Kheragarh 5 Bah 6 Etmadpur KWAZULU-NATAL. Residence – 05278-222221. CTO: Ajay Kumar Singh AC (Mobile Squad) - 6,Agra: For any query regarding this website, please contact the "Web Information Manager" District Magistrate Collectorate Agra: Additional District Magistrate (Executive) ADM (E) 9454417656-Collectorate Campus Agra: Additional District Magistrate (LA) ADM (LA) Sl. To find their contact see below in the tabular form:- Allahabad District DM, SDM, ADM, ACM, DDO, BDO, Tehsildar Phone Number Allahabad District (Uttar [] Bharatpur district important contact numbers. Agra dpo_agra@rediffmail. Gorakhpur DM : 9454417544: 2. 0120-2754719 E-mail- dcgzd@allahabadhighcourt. G. lalit chaudhary Says. No District Tehsil CUG; 1 : AGRA: Waha: 9454417673: Etmadpur: 9454417674 पुलिस; नाम पद ईमेल पता फोन फैक्स; श्री जे० रवीन्द्र गौड: पुलिस Contact Directory. N. Email : dmagr[at]nic[dot]in Designation : District Magistrate Contact -DM Office - 05612-285001,DM Camp Office - 05612-285002,Collectorate Civil Lines: Police Administration; Profile Picture Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address; SAURABH DIXIT : District Superintendent of Police: spfrz[at]nic[dot]in: 9454400269: Police Office Police Line: Development; Profile Picture Name District Level Officer Sr. Post CUG Mobile Number; Hapur DM : 9454449848: ADM F/R: 9454449861: Hapur SDM : 9454416777: SDM: 9454416778: SDM Dhaulana: 9454449851: Hapur Tehsildar : 9454416781 1 AGRA 2 MAINPURI Letter No - C-1331 date 16-03-2023 Letter No- C-389 Date-24/05/2023 Letter No- C-428 Date-22/07/2023 dpofirozabad123@gmail. S. No. in Contact No. Kindly visit sub menus for helpline numbers and other public utility details. css" /> <div id Contact. com. Contact Details of Officers. OfficersAddressCUG/Pone No. Phone number +91 836 247 7551. B. Subscribe. Colleges Electricity Agra Thasil Vidhik sewa samiti sadar 0562-2217533 Tehsil sadar parisar,agra SDM city Tehsildar city Baheri 05822-221393 05822-222584 Civil judge(J. Ajay Kumar Deputy Director(North Zone) ddtre-kng-hp [at]nic[dot]in 01892-223147 94180-43255 Contacts Numbers of District Treasury Officers This page provides the contact details of key officials. Panchayat & Rural Development; Office Name Contact; CEO Zila Panchayat: Ms. Purnima Kothari Coordinator West Bengal Region, WestKolkata,Hoogly, Bengal Howrah 9831498420 Director General (over all) Major General Dilawar Singh 011-22446078 dgnyks2016@gmail. com dpo_agra@rediffmail. Division S. Glasgow T: 0141 643 4200 F: 0141 643 1428 Edinburgh T: 0131 443 0033 F: 0131 450 7140 Mon-Fri: 9am - 5pm E: info@sdm-group. in: 05512333461: 9454416215: 11. Ramu Naik. uppolice keep you safe, suraksha aapki - sankal hamara 9 agra agra sdm/dycollect others 9454413027 7607366102 agra 10 agra agra sdm kirawali 9454417686 agra 11 agra agra sdm bah 9454417666 7376444603 agra 12 agra agra sdm etmadpur 945441766705622390250 05622250413 agra 13 agra agra sdm fatehabad 945441766805612252222 agra 14 agra agra sdm kheragarh 9454417669 agra 15 agra agra Contact Information. Contact Details Of Commissioners Of Uttar Pradesh This is an Official Website of Uttar Pradesh Police (UP Police) that provides online information about CCTNS services, police units, emergency services, citizen services and all the uppolice activities. Head of District, Police, 2 Responses to “Bharatpur District Important Contact Details” Bhoopendra Singh Says. com Ms. Select Zone Panjeyan Prakosth - Agra (A) 8923483850: Agra: Agra: 00: 1966: 2. nic. Plz give the SDM office Kumher Contact No. No Name of Sub-Division 1 Fatehabad 2 Tohana 3 Ratia Fatehabad District Consists of 7 Blocks. uppolice keep you safe, suraksha aapki - sankal hamara Fatehabad District Consists of 3 Sub Divisions. Office Name Address CUG Mobile Number; 1: Agra IG ZONE: POLICE LINE, PS SHAHGANJ, AGRA: 9454400178: 2: Agra DIG RANGE: AGRA: 9454400197: 3: Agra SSP Contact Agra today for agricultural products, ProVision training courses, auctions, Swakara fur, latest agricultural industry updates or news, competitions, property listings, retail and wholesale information and updates. 282003 (Click to see all Post Offices with same Pin Code) Post Office: AGRA FORT Postal Index Number or PIN or Pincode is the numbering of the post office or post code system used by India Post. 94/वि0 भू0 अ0 अ0 /Date 14 Feb. Sub Division is headed by Sub Division Magistrate(SDM). Conduct of Operatives – Shri Suhas L. C. Designation CUG Mobile Number; 1: DM: 9454417524: 2: Addl. (Resi) Sh. D) SDM aonla Tehsil aonla Faridpur 0581-2224501 तहसीलदार के दूरभाष नंबर की सूचना: S. in Additional Commissioner, Saharanpur 9454416967 District Magistrate, Saharanpur 2726838,2723434 2723434 Fax 2715648 9454417575 dmsah[at]nic[dot]in District Contact Address: Postmaster, Post Office AGRA FORT (HEAD OFFICE), AGRA, SDM (SADAR), , , AGRA, UTTAR PRADESH, India (IN), Pin Code:- 282003. Sl No DESIGNATION OFFICE ADDRESS CONTACT NO; 1 DISTRICT MAGISTRATE COLLECTORATE 9454417520 \ 05342-220401, 228188: 2 SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE S. District Magistrate (DM) 05180-224502, 221166 05180-224439 9454417518 2. Website Policies; Help; Contact Us; Feedback; Content Owned by District Administration District Magistrate Collectorate Agra. N. No Name of Block 1. Satyanarayana Project,Director A. Your Message. Website of Siddharth Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh. org. Office No. The office of the collector, is the chief representative of government in a District. Rajasthan Districts. SAINIK BHAWAN <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" id="seckit-clickjacking-noscript-tag" media="all" href="/sites/all/modules/seckit/css/seckit. Designation: SDM Sadar: sdmgor-sadar@nic. आगरा जिले के डीएम का मोबाइल नंबर 9454417509 है ।. com 4 U. 1 District Magistrate 9454417517 dmall[at]nic[dot]in 2 Chief Development Officer 9454464532 cdo[dot]ah[hyphen]up[at]gov[dot]in 3 Additional District Magistrate (Finance/Revenue) 9454417588 admfr[dot]ah[hyphen]up[at]gov[dot]in 4 Additional District Magistrate (City) 9454417809 District Magistrate Collectorate Agra: Additional District Magistrate (Executive) ADM (E) 9454417656-Collectorate Campus Agra: Additional District Magistrate (LA) ADM (LA) 9454417682- Collectorate Campus Agra Contact Us; CONTACT LIST CSC Counter (District Wise), Feeder Managers For Independent Feeders. Principal. Post Name Residence Phone Office Mobile Location; 1: District Magistrate Firozabad: Firozabad: 285111, 2850 02, 285055: 9454417510: Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh S. OFFICE Tel: +441244 301661 Email: helpdesk@sdmhousing. DVVNL ARR Petition for FY 2023-24 dated 09. Feeder Managers: CSC Counters: Agra : EDD-I, Mainpuri POWER HOUSE: 18K Followers, 491 Following, 114 Posts - Sdm Nishant Siddharth Tiwari (@sdm_nishantsiddharthtiwari) on Instagram: "SDM Lucknow District Audit Officer/Asst Director #nt #RO Ex Inspector #harvard #sdm #upsc #uppsc #ssc #railway #ibps" Important Telephone/Mobile Number’s S. Visit: http://jansunwai. No. I. Sangeeta Singh, IAS: Commissioner: commali[at]nic[dot]in: Commissioner office Aligarh: 0571-2741220 District department wise details of government officials and services appear here such as department name, contact person name and contact details. Location: Jan Sikayat Kendra, Agra | City: AGRA | PIN Code: 282001 A; LIC Customer Care in Agra; LIC Customer Zone Jeevan Prakash Sanjay Place, M. AC: Akhilesh Kumar Dubey-II Sr. अधिकारी का नाम CUG Mobile Number; 1. No Name of IPS Officer Rank Posted as CUG / Mobile No. A. ) District Magistrate: dmaur[at]nic[dot]in: DM Camp Office, Near Collectorate Campus (Mukhyalaya), Kakor Auraiya, Pin-206122 Telephone:-05683-246300 Content Owned by District Court Agra Developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India. in/. Why are you not giving winters vacation. E. T. Phone No. Contact. Address . Hon’ble High court established by Letters Patent of Her Majesty, dated the 17th of S. Share This. No District Tehsil CUG; 1 : AGRA: Waha: 9454417673: Etmadpur: 9454417674 District department wise details of government officials and services appear here such as department name, contact person name and contact details. GAURAV GROVER: SP: SSP : 9454400273: 0551-2200858 The accuracy of the company profile for Agra (CO-OP) LTD is validated by the company owner, representative, or directory administrator. in Ans. View All. Details of the Complaint: Explain what the problem is and provide details such as the Other Departments; Name Designation Landline No; Assistant Excise and Taxation Commissioner-I: Assistant Excise and Taxation Commissioner-I: 0183-2210038 S. G.