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My wife is cheating reddit 2021, kissed at a PTA holiday party on Dec. Please give me your advice on this situation and tell me what you think. Revenge cheating, a hall pass etc. I the husband/man, work from home and watch our kids. My wife and I have been married for 9 years now, no kids; great marriage (good compatibility, sex life, lots of shared interests, etc), so I never had any reasons to suspect my wife of infidelity (until recently). Two years ago me and my ex wife welcomed our second daughter into the world. I have been with my wife for 11 years and married for almost 5 years. I (30, M) married my wife (29, F) about 5 years ago. She is going to have to prove that she will be 100% Yep, my favourite accusation from my cheating ex was - you're thinking about having an affair. When caught she denied everything. So to start off I don’t really like using platforms like this but I need to let this out and vent somehow so here I go I’m (33)M and wife (30)F been together for 11 years and I thought everything was good between us until recently for some context I work as a dispatcher for truckers and it’s a pretty good job I get good benefits and I make enough where we can both be comfortable My Me 61 male and my wife 59 female have been married for 38 years we have five children 3 boys aged 31/ 29/28 and 2 girls aged 36 /40,the oldest is from my wife's first marriage. I want my pregnant ex wife and family back. I set a hard boundary- Snapchat is for cheaters and gossip- no responsible adult would have it etc. It sounds both phisical and emotional by the text you read, and it sounds she feels guilty she got caught. So i know what you are thinking. Now when something is actually wrong(me being paranoid), she is not able to read my face. Full disclosure, I fucked up, bad. Please advise . In the summer of 2022, my wife started a new job. I would assume she has been physically unfaithful. Just file and when she is served, tell her that you are giving her what she wants and by divorcing her you will get what you need. Not saying that is an excise, but it is a factor. Hopefully someone can put together what else this might have been. My son's wife suffered undiagnosed depression and made her an easy mark for a sexual predator. I had a wonderful father and now have a great step dad who has improved mine, my mother and my children’s lives. In writing this, I think I am answering my own question, Is my wife cheating on me? Don't know about you but it appears crystal clear to me. If your only advice is 'divorce', 'dump them', 'your SO sucks' or 'grow a backbone' then please don't comment. Update: I (34M) think my wife (32F) is cheating on me. Ever since then my life has been in a down hill spiral and the hurt hurts to much. Said straight-faced while she was of course banging another med student from her course. I pretended to be someone who is interested in a one night stand, in a heartbeat she gave me our home address. We were high school sweethearts, took her to prom, etc. I was deciding my next move when she told me she was pregnant. It’s over my guy. They argued constantly about ever little thing and they were loud about it. He is my best friend, my greatest confidant, my biggest advocate. Please help me how to approach this. Fixed that for you The co-worker purposefully searched for a comic with the most humiliating title (which shall imply the cheating and rub the spouse one, ridicule him face-to-face with a big grinning evil smile), just to shove his own d!ck into his face Throwaway because I don't want this connected to my main. I never thought my wife would cheat on me. Adding to my suspicion, after confronting her, she turned off all location sharing on Google Maps and wiped all previous timeline history. . I am so devastated. Before I married my wife, Brenda, I knew she had cheated on me three times with at least two different people, but now 40 plus years later, I know that she has had many affairs of long or short duration. Valheim; Genshin Impact Me (25M), my wife (27F) have been married for over 5 years and been together more than 7. Divorce and work on yourself. For the past few months, everything has been weird in our relationship. 4 with unprotected sex (my wife lied about being in a different state for a work overnight). Found it- was devastating. 3. It is absurd. Do you think I am misreading the situation? My wife told me a few weeks ago that she was having a resurgence of feelings for her ex. My wife is very simple, which is something I wanted because I am the same. She’s definitely cheating, she’s pulling away so suddenly and so quickly, just give her the divorce and it will save you a load of anxiety and sleepless nights The entire conversation stayed within the bounds of me texting my wife’s best friend for advice on how to repair my marriage. I wish you all the very best in life. I had just gotten out of the service and was starting my So i know that my wife of 9 years is cheating on me with her coworker cause i hired a P. My wife did it to me and my best friends wife did too. and after 2 weeks i got the proofs that i nedeed. I know exactly what you are searching and hoping for. But the last few days she had been much more distant so I went through her messages on her watch, and there was a full conversation of her talking to her ex about how great it was having sex with him a few days ago. Like the title says, I think my wife is cheating on me. I’m usually gone Tuesday through Thursday 3 times a month. I love her so much. I cringe every time OP to the usual "my wife is sleeping at another mans house every Saturday, should I be worried" feels like he needs to preface the post with an apology about snooping. I know! Bad wife. We have two beautiful little ones together. Pregnancy hits girls differently, my wife turned into a nympho, others turn into Mother Theresa. Reddit is full of reddiots who offer advice based on no experience with the subject upon which they are advising. My wife is cheating. My wife was 8 months pregnant with our daughter at the time, we had just recently moved into a bigger house, her parents were in the process of moving to be closer to us to help with our kids, and then covid hit in March. My wife is in even more regret and remorse, and she says that she would anything to save this marriage again, do everything that I say, and will never make any petty arguments and requests. She is checked out the relationship and is with you for convenience. Saying you want them to be alone is selfish. I wanted her out of my life and that's what I did. In my family, only boys had been born on my side for several generations. 2. I am a bot, and this Hello Reddit! Forgive me as I am new to the online community. They did in fact reconcile, but she had to satisfy a long list of non-negotiable demands as consequences for her infidelity. However some things lately have made me suspicious. This reddit forum is pretty nice too! If you feel nauseous from the betrayal and anger, ginger is actually effective. Stop it now, because it's not going to happen. I just had this weird feeling and I snooped through his phone. The number that I don’t know belongs to a friend of my wife’s who has gone to the emergency room to sit with my kid. She’s cheating period. but Reddit a place where people unburden themselves and people are gonna have opinions but your wife cheating is absolutely not your fault. Background: We are married with 2 children. When our long time friend talked her about her cheating while we were engaged, she told my wife she had to choose between her lover and me and my then fiancee said this to our long time friend. After making my post, I took the advice of everyone and gathered up all evidence and contacted lawyers in my area. I just don’t understand? I don’t even know where to start to begin to understand. TL;DR : Is my wife cheating on me because whenever she visits her mom for 2-3 days, she shaves her private parts on the day she is leaving, while she never shaves them any other times. Check flair to determine if you want to read this update. I’ve seen a few variations but it’s a fun one. I never stopped loving him since we first said 'I love you' to each other over a decade ago. Reply reply epicwinguy101 That's how I found out my wife had been having an affair. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS. You will never get First, my heart goes out to you, your wife and your kids; and know that you are on my mind in my prayers. She used me, all along. She told her that she was choosing me because I was going to be an attorney. Instead of watering the grass in her yard, she’s wasting energy looking for greener pastures. I have not confronted her yet as I don't have any proof at hand and we are on a family trip. Wife doesn't know what I know. TLDR: My wife cheated with a coworker. 17 and had a highly carnal overnight at a nearby hotel on Jan. This is Reddit's very own solution-hub. I know that. I felt really confident about the cheating issue and when I posted 9 days ago I wasn’t even considering cheating. My AP is asking me to divorce my wife to be with her, saying that she wants me but needs me to leave my wife. I think my wife is cheating on me with a coworker . She called you her daughter’s father not my husband or my boyfriend or my love she should have said sperm donor cause that’s basically what she said. Why people put up with this crap when they don’t have to is beyond me. I. My man let's be honest, all of our support goes to you, you know reddit is always pessimist but at this time, there's no other option, you should wait for a couple of days until you get your head straight and start with the divorce proceedings (the sooner the better) with you having proof that she cheated on you, you should try to get as much as u can from her, as for your daughter, I can’t talk to anyone in my personal life about this. My ex was constantly cheating and I sometimes get it in my head that it’s still happening, but now it’s with my husband. If the best she can do is "I'm not cheating because I don't have time to cheat". She can not In the course of about 11 text messages, I learn that my daughter has gone ice-skating and fallen and broken her wrist. Following the decision to separate from Anna, I joined a few dating apps. You should be able to grab some ginger tea or The entire conversation stayed within the bounds of me texting my wife’s best friend for advice on how to repair my marriage. I make enough money for us to pay the We both are in mid thirties and know each other since 10 years and married from 5 years. The day that openness ends is the day I have (justifiable) reason to snoop. Kindly don't say such things about my wife. This is going to be a long one so: TL;DR: found out that husband of 7 years who I have 3 kids with has been cheating on me since I was pregnant with our youngest, lowkey haven't reacted much and kept going like things were normal for a variety of reasons, SIL thinks it's crazy and that I should leave him, I'm now My wife is cheating on me. 1). This has been annoying my wife, since she says she is unable to have any time to herself. What is my wife going to think if I tell her? I feel I have 3 real options. Fast forward to a few years ago right after our wedding. You need to delete it. I read many comments saying very vulgar things about my wife. Your wife has been cheating on you for 7 months. my race has been run and. So just the other night, my girlfriend was gonna go out for a "girls night". The math was adding up but I played along. I wanted to write this sooner than I expected, but only got up the courage now. really harped on it. On our first night together, we had sex, and she seemed quite experienced, which made me suspect she might not be a virgin (though I have no issue with her virginity or any past relationships). Found out that my wife(30F) of 2 years cheated on me(51M) and I really don’t know what to do. However I ran in to a situation that I think could point to evidence of her cheating. Original post from a few weeks ago:I travel a lot for work. 1. I love my husband so much that I don’t want him to be lonely if something happens to me. I [37F] accidentally found out last month my husband [38M] was using 'work trips' as an excuse to sleep with his also married coworker who lives across the country. Here she mets Mark (32M). Why else would she keep going to a health clinic (to be tested for STDs). Do not comment on the original posts. You’re both cheaters! So get your shit straight, stop cheating, and stop trusting that loser of a “wife” you are burdened with. I install SMS backup and restore on her phone and ended up getting hourly backups of her text messages. She could even use reddit and PM with him on her phone, for instance. She’s insanely good at it and I can’t find proof and C. I love him like he's a soul mate. !” I thought. Thank you Reddit. I'm sorry you are being treated this way. Hello, I'm gonna be straightforward. If it hasn’t gotten physical it will. She was even a little flustered to be around him, I brushed it off as me over analyzing it. Same for hers. She’s in the emergency room, but cannot get treatment because no one can find my wife. Members Online • anonuseraita. Lol yup! Happened to me too! The last few weeks of my relationship, my ex was driving around in MY car with a coworker until 3 am-and I believed that he was just needing time alone cuz he was stressed from working during a pandemic. You might be upset about how she responded to your cheating with her dishonesty and cheating but sometimes when you break something you can’t put it back together. Three basic things necessary to reconcile. , is still cheating. She hugs you like there's no tomorrow because she's fears you might leave her, and maybe her side guy is also married, and not available. Once she gets that, she's gonna chew you up and spit you back outprobably over and over again. She doesn't care about being with you, she just wants you to divorce your wife so she has even more power and control over you. As much as i wanna be normal, its just not possible right now. I would not be alive if it wasn't for him. We talked about it and I thought we were through it. What I found was thousands of text messages of very explicit content wherein she admits to being in an affair, lying to me about meeting her girlfriend for supper, etc. I felt I was reading my ex cheating wife. Why not divorce? My favorite version of this one is when the soon to be ex discovers the Reddit post because “I didn’t expect this to blow up” and thwarts the plan. I gave my cheating wife another chance and she did it again 4 more times. Not in any way. Her only co worker is a male and they’re alone all night in the building. They have been on 4-6 trips together so I am sure they have a lot of time to do stuff. To give background she works 3rd shift as a custodian at a local business. If you had bothered to Speaking, unfortunately, from a few past experiences, this always seemed to be the biggest giveaway in my experience at least. I just found out two days ago that my wife has been cheating on me with her co-worker when she goes on her work trip. As a tangential matter, jealousy, and fear of a partner cheating, is one of the first behaviors I eliminated from my emotional repertoire, and I'm glad I got over it at an early age. For the past week or two, I've had my suspicions that my wife was talking to someone and/or cheating on me. So, my (26f) wife call her M cheated on me (27m) with a "friend" of mine (27M) call him J for the story's sake. When my Wife met with John for the first time she acted very strange around him. Not getting release as a male can make us pretty edgy, eventually even not liking porn all that much will come to an end after seeing a butt in tight pants after no release in a while. She is a lying cunt that would never admit it Well maybe at that point I might consider couples therapy or walking away. Gaming. But for the past 6 months we do it twice a month at most and I'm the one that's been instigating it. End it. I learned of her three cheating incidents from a mutual friend. I’m embarrassed to admit that after reading a lot of the comments on my last post, I thought maybe I was being overly confident about her fidelity. Cheating is any activity that steals time and or emotional energy/intimacy from us and our relationship, while giving it onto another. They met in Sept. I’d be furious if My wife took molly and stayed in bed with some guy all night. My parents were the same and despite my dad cheating my mom wanted to stay for the kids. My wife has a job where she works part time in a medical clinic, and the rest of the time she visits clients directly in their homes across the city. Initially it was to show Anna that I was serious and moving on, despite my head not being in any place to actually date someone new. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I'm pretty sure he's cheating on me, but I don't even know if I can call it cheating if I don't care? I came home and didn't question her about it. She was asking for space and time away from me. Due to this stress, she has been asking my wife to spend the night more often. My wife is cheating and she has been for the past two months. If you think this submission doesn't belong on the sub, is incorrectly flaired or have other issues regarding this post, reply This is Reddit's very own solution-hub. We have a 4 year old daughter. Let get to the post My wife slept with hair when I went out for my 7 months in the Army apparently my wife got found out she was pregnant a month after I left and decided she was going to surprise me with it well that did not go as planned an she had a miscarriage a 4 months at this time I was very stressed out at base and would talk to her Rules reminder: r/survivinginfidelity is a support sub! Please read the rules and guidelines in our sub wiki before commenting. Help me Relationships I (M23) have been married to my wife for just over 5 years. I am living proof that's not true. Something like she is a prostitute and she belongs on the street and other more vulgar things. Unfortunately. "He got me a gift and I fake a smile and said thank you and when I open it was the comic Batdman*: Death of the Family*" . We met when I was 22 at another friend's wedding, she was a good friend of the bride and I the groom My life is upside down and it feels good to get it all out somewhere. My wife can do whatever the fuck she wants with my phone. Now if you personally don’t want to have another relationship that’s fine. Lately, her sister has been having problems at work, and drama with her other siblings. It seems to be 1 of 2 reasons, they either a) like the person above said, want to feel less guilty by catching you doing something wrong or b) realise that they are getting away with something and see that it could be just as easy for you to do the same My defnition of cheating. In highschool I spiraled and fell into heavy depression and drug abuse, before college my wife (who was my gf at the time) helped me get clean and she knows about all this which makes it all the more painful. last update - June 18, 2023 A week or two ago I (M27) posted about how my ex wife (F25) of 2 years was cheating on me our entire marriage. However, I have a hyper fixation with cheating on my wife that has replaced my interest in cargo liners. My wife is a stay at home mother for our two children 3 and 5. Why didn’t you question her about that and tell her to tell you the truth. I forgive her, bury the fantasy away and we work on getting back to where we were. Just wanted to tell my story and maybe get some input. You find yourself asking question on Reddit. “This is the woman for me!” I also thought she was terribly good-looking. I say that because reading your other comments she seems to be careful with her wording and replies, hasn’t accused you of cheating or passing it on to her, hasn’t had any sort of flare ups or symptoms since you got together and throughout every pregnancy. My very professional Reddit verdict is she had an affair and her symptoms are just now presenting. Second, I really want to stress that there's a difference between being a good wife and being a good mother. So I decided to fly out to a different city. Members Online • jerrye12 . Please read the rules in our sub wiki and the reddit content policy before posting again. My mother became emotionally traumatized and during her last couple of months she did begin to improve until she passed away from Covid. What do I do? So I came into this with trust issues, but slowly let go of them. The sex has been less frequent. I downloaded an app out of curiosity if my wife is still on it. My wife is cheating on me. We have 17 grandchildren I found out that my wife has been in an on and off Affair with my farther sine our wedding day, she told me by mistake not realising what she said . My mom put thoughts into my head about the paternity of my girls shortly before her birth. Sorry if a lot of this is rambling, and sorry for the length. My wife and I are having a rough patch. My wife was cheating, B. Waited 30 days. I tell my wife how I feel. It's not your fault your wife is cheating on you but it is your fault you are soaking in the drama and prolonging the entire painful experience. There I found her. If you are 100% certain why do you need proof? Frankly If my marriage was so fucked up that I was convinced A. This is how I found my wife cheating with a coworker. I almost committed suicide over my ex wife (25F). The motivation does not change the reality of the actions committed. If she is cheating, then you need to divorce her because she will never stop cheating! You are young enough to start over with someone who makes you happy! Living with a cheating partner will be one of the most unhappy times in your life. I (27M) almost made the worst decision two weeks ago. You could almost call this trauma bonding. Most submissions in this sub are not posted by the original author (OOP). A bit of back story. both times it was the guy at work that we didn't have to worry about. (So she couldn’t reactivate) waited another week or 2 and checked other social media messengers. Be careful with these feelings, because they can be all-consuming, and that's not healthy for anybody. I busted my wife eventually, it can be done if you are vigilant. Okay let’s just stop the bullshit. I found a really great one and went ahead and started on divorce papers before my wife got home. ADMIN MOD I suspect my wife is cheating. It started with our sex life, we used to have sex about twice a week. Recently, I have been I(43M) just found out that my wife(43F) of 20yrs is cheating on me with another married guy since almost 1 year. She’s cheating or escorting. I always saw her as a caring, loving person who was always concerned about me, but when everything Just a request to people in the comment section. Abuse, shaming, sexism, and encouraging violence/revenge are not tolerated here. I constantly think of schematics on how to get away with cheating on my wife and I have successful pulled such heists multiple times as I have carefully coordinated methods without my wife having the slightest inkling of doubt. This week, my wife has stayed over 3 times, including tonight which is a little odd. She is a full time student, I work full time. And finally, Thanks for all the wishes and messages. The first time she cheated was Don’t use your kids as an excuse to stay because whether y’all realize it or not your kids pick up on your moods and shit that’s going on. Turns out I have a cheating fetish, she doesn't know about. I would tell her that she is free to be with her soulmate, but you do not share your toothbrush or Me(20m) and my girlfriend (20f) have been dating now for 7 months and things have been great so far. Suspicion She’s having all the classic signs. Please read our sub rules before commenting or your comment may be removed. I’m happy to report that I’m back from the hospital with more hope and peace then I’ve felt in a long time. If both of you are 27, you need to find out if she is cheating. I then decided to take my son for a dna test and obviously we aren't related. She thinks everything is perfect. lmqcg hiu owysxd tvaqje rgozr zuu ctgkxvo skjwx gki hxrkb olvnl zsu knjlz aqzf dmimfm