Lucas oil treatment for piston slap. Made it run pretty good until I got rid of it.
Lucas oil treatment for piston slap. The motor burns oil which these motor are known to use oil.
- Lucas oil treatment for piston slap 5L 2GR FE piston slap/VVTI ticking Robert Scalchi; Apr 24, 2021; Mechanical Excessive clearance between the piston skirt and the cylinder wall can further aggravate the problem. Joined Jan 9, 2009 Messages 10,212 Location New England. That's why they claim it'll work in engines, differentials, manual So I commented on that thread before, but thought I would share some pictures. i'm on the thicker oil side i guess I would be willing to bet that your noise is piston slap, not in the valves. at least then I can assume worn internal valvetrain. 123K and counting. Share. Bam!! I put Lucas oil treatment in with the oil change and it stopped the piston slap on all but the coldest days. READ MORE. 2012 Subaru Forester piston slap? Anyone else’s forester make this sound on a cold start? Been doing it for 3 yrs, no check engine light. but its not like it makes it better. I I used to use Lucas oil additive in a truck I had years ago that had bad piston slap. CORONA, Calif. 140K and counting. 25 x 0. Just changed out the oil and added some hi-mileage Lucas oil treatment. google GM piston slap and you will find a ton of info on it. I can remember my dad's Chevelle SS had excessive oil consumption and piston slap. i get about 6 or 7 oil changes per bottle. You can feel this sound when the engine is cold and, the noise sounds like a hollow clatter deep in the engine. Piston slap in this case is caused by excessive wear of the coating used on the piston walls. Profile Page It is my understanding that thicker oil will not help piston slap, but I know it will do wonders for a little excessive If it doesn't, I'm still not going to get overly concerned, as piston slap will never really hurt anything. Drive 500 The 4. Piston slap is usually NOT oil dependent, as you seem to be finding out. Once the engine gets a few miles on it and a carbon ring starts to build up at the top of the cylinder, it causes the cold piston to "rock" in the cylinder when it reaches the top of its travel, causing the knocking sound. He has had the truck for only one year and has about 100,000 miles at this point. Knock is most noticeable at idle and goes away as you increases RPM. I drained the oil. The 'death rattle' is piston slap. Or than that, it's good for helping leaks stay at bay or for engine that don't get ran much. thank you. Lucas Fuel Treatment is formulated for both gasoline and diesel engines, carbureted or fuel injected. Once the motor warms up, the noise of the knock reduces drastically, for the most part goes away. Lucas oil stabilizer, for example, is just a super thick cheap base oil with minimal additives. Most new GM LS based engine do it. To the OP, you need to distinguish whether it is a lifter tick or a piston slap. The engine ran great, but the oil was on the dirtier side, so I got her home and changed all the fluids. Lucas oil stabilizer increases the viscosity of the oil. See less See more Mike 2001 Durango SLT 4. Add to 2-Stroke Fuel - Add 1 ounce per gallon of pre-mixed fuel. Add directly to fuel tank. I was very surprised at how quiet the piston slap was at startup, and how quickly it disappeared as the engine warmed. When the truck is warmed. 1 Cyl. so i guess now i have another question: what is the normal oil pressure reading while idiling?(01 silverado 5. Jordan writes:. The Lucas Fuel treatment gels around zero F, unmixed; mixed in gas, who knows? gathermewool Site Donor 2023. However, a new, solid-film-lubricant coating is changing that up. 98 -8% Mrryiio Anti-Wear Engine Treatment Oil Additive,Highly Effective Engine Anti-Wear Protectant,Car Engine Anti-Wear Protection Agent,Noise Reduction and Shaking Cure (2Pcs) and stopping excessive oil consumption. If you're running a cam like a 60s stocker Mganum/TNT/Commando cam, then you'll be fine with over-the-counter oil after initial breakin. PreRunnerAlabama Well-Known rod knock is louder & not the same as piston slap oil change intervals shoudnt effect either at the indicated mileage amsoil makes very good oil If it is piston slap, which seems likely as worn bearings would get louder under severe load ,has anyone had any success with thicker engine oil (as per the operators handbook for operating under arduous conditions -- say 20/40 or even the old standby 20w 50. 7 4 cylinders and it helped both of them. all it does is make your oil thicker tho. I use 5w-20w Quaker State full synthetic and Lucas heavy duty oil Stabilizer. no chemical treatment will replace worn metal the lucas oil stabilaizer is almost "stringy"if a fluid can be. Originally Posted By: Troy_Built Piston slap is nothing new to piston driven internal combustion engines and compressors. 5XT Ltd: "Zoe". The level should ideally be between the ‘Low’ and ‘Full’ marks. Sajeev Mehta. A piston hitting the side of the cylinder is "piston slap". If it's a little on the loose side you will get that cold engine piston slap until the engine warms up a little. Some say that piston slap is not detrimental to the engine and does not affect longevity or performance. While not PEA, which is a likely Been using 0W20, thinking of adding Lucas heavy duty oil stabilizer next oil change and see if that helps longspur, May 20, 2021 #3. This is the irony of the Lucas Oil They are known to burn oil (these were older ones, approx 5-10 years ago btw), have piston slap and Ive personally encountered many fail period. Piston Pin Noise: Lack of oil and an excessive clearance between the piston pin and the piston can lead to the piston pin noise Although piston slap is rarer in newer cars, it is a much more serious problem for them, because their engine components are made to much closer tolerances. https://amzn. Cheaper and easier to just go up a grade if you think you need a thicker oil. If an engine’s oil pressure drops significantly while in operation, as the result of oil pump failure, or similar mechanical issues, piston/cylinder bore damage can quickly result. ive used lucas oil stabilizer in previous vehicles and was wondering if it would be good for the soob. I tried it before I got my oil leak fixed, because Mobil 1 is too expensive in an engine that leaks 1 quart per week. I change my oil every 3,000 with Mobil 1 fully syntheticam i safe putting in an oil additive like lucas or Marvel mystery oil? Better yet, would this even help me at all with the ticking? Save Share SOHC 2. In fact, some engines are designed to have piston slap. Would a thicker oil like a Xw30 or Xw40 be advisable to help cure this problem? From what I have read piston slap is pretty common on these engines Chrysler. If it indeed is piston slap, I'd just live with it. We added Lucas oil treatment to see if it would help and no change in sound. The oil has always been changed every 3500-3700 miles either by a hyundai dealer, private shop, or myself. lucas oil stabilizer is TOTAL SHIT!!!!! i had to run gunk motor flush through it, dump the whole thing, and start over! now just running oil (castrol semi-synthetic). Inject all 20 mL of the additive into your oil compartment. My friend added Lucas oil treatment to his Chevy 5. It seems to be happening the most on cylinders 2 and 3, though. sikelly writes: I have a Ford Ranger (Euro-spec) with the 3. It won’t even take more than two minutes during your next oil change. The engine is a tad noisy now that it's colder out (tick tick tick) and I was wondering if STP oil treatment is safe to use being that it has variable valve timing. It is not noticeable when the engine is cold, only when it’s warmed up. Mine was going through about 3 quarts between changes. Once it wears off the clearance between the side of the piston and the cylinder wall is excessive causing the rattling sound, "slap", and will lead to further wear of the cylinder and eventual oil consumption. Yes at the very front. "Bulk" oil from the quickie lube type places Engine Oil Additives Oil additives help reduce friction and wear, prolonging the lifespan of engine components and promoting smoother operation. The piston slap never went Ive done my research and people are saying oil with moly can help a piston slap. Dealer told me over the phone that piston slap isn't common and they will diagnosis it for $125. A Piston Slap Nugget of Wisdom: My only additive of recommendation is Seafoam. Reply My 2nd 3000GT had piston slap ONLY with Castrol Syntec. It's one of two cures in a bottle that use regularly. 08/20 Next change again synth blend ran for 3k OCI. 96 inches : Country of The ford 5. Dino oil,it was smooth and silent!! And certainly this is believable, but maybe the real truth is the following:" My 2nd 3000 GT had a piston slap only with motor oil that had a Kv 100 of X. This helps keep the smoke at bay. 5i: "Sprout". In the short term you could try something to the crankcase, like Lucas Oil Stablizer, Rislone Engine Treatment, or Slick 50, but it will only cover it up for a while. 3. 0, auto trans, mods slowly in progress, flairs removed (ripped one off mall crawling) DOM:12/2005 Thickens The Oil. Ive put that Lucas oil treatment in with the oil change and it didnt help. Let me know what you've used to stop a k Piston Slap: Guidance on Flat Tappet Oil. Since new the V-6 in her 07 Camry had what sounded like 'piston slap' aka some kind of knock. I had a spare AC Delco hanging around so I hot swapped the high efficiency Ultra with the 2) what oil pump (std or high-volume and you better tell me you have a hardened oil pump drive shaft either way!) 3) Bearing clearances. 04 February 2024. Jack writes: How about some guidance on motor oil for us old farts who are still driving flat tappet engines like my Lucas oil is a much better additive. So here are a grab bag of piston slap questions, answered in true Piston Slap fashion. Jul 13, 2015 Try Lucas oil additive or maybe a Seafoam treatment. February 5 From what our Field Engineer is telling us, the rod bearings are going and causing piston slap. The vehicles get a 5k oil change with mobil 1 so it isnt the oil. i Also, if it is piston slap it should be much worse when cold, and especially under load. Seafoam seems to fix everythingin motors with a lot of miles and a lot of carbon buildup. and its made the knocking sound presumed to be piston slap worse in my 09 6. Since pistons are soft aluminum, there's a good chance of no damage to the cylinder. The revolutionary, patented technology– including There aren't any clicking or knocking noises coming from the top of the engine anymore. Joined: Jul 16, 2005 Posts: 4,951. stick with the val maxlife and a quality filter and it will be fine. it does fix some noise, like valve clicking on start up, maybe piston slap. 8LNu port injected 4 cyclinder w/ 78k miles. When I first purchased it there was a click coming from the top front area of the engine but I treated the oil with Sea Foam, changed it, and added Lucas oil treatment and that noise has totally gone away. TOK Discussion starter. Add to Engine Oil - Add 1 ounce only per quart of engine oil. It is the secondary (sideways or perpendicular) movement of a piston against the side of a cylinder bore where the primary movement of a piston is intended to be parallel (up and down) to the cylinder bore. does Lucas Oil Treatment/Stabilizer thing do any good? I have heard very mixed Some on the thread are saying piston slap since it goes away in 30 seconds or so. I thought it would go away with time, it didn't. All you do is: 1. Will Anderson says: February 4, 2024 at 8:39 pm. Add 2 extra quarts of oil, jack up the rear end to submerge the oil pump / sump. Mecum. A. 29 posts · Joined 2004 Add to quote; Only show this user Try Lucas oil additive or maybe a Seafoam treatment. A quick google search infomed me that a TSB was No, check the oil level and you can add Lucas engine oil additive. 6 LS1. Jan 19, 2021 #38 Put in Lucas Oil Stablizer to full mark immediately after driving out of garage. Here, knocking or rattling sounds from the engine mustn’t be ignored. Some say it's the shim-under-bucket valve setup these engines have making the noise until oil gets to them after a few seconds and can be eliminated by using a thinner viscosity oil in cold winter months. The oil filler cap says to use 5w20 and she is currently using 5w20 Kendall semi-syn from the oil change place she goes to. Joined Oct 9, 2014 Messages 15,365 2009 Lexus RX 350 3. How do I mitigate piston slap? Why does it happen?Want to learn more about performance engine building? Come along to our next free lesson to dive in and als Same thing with our 2000 Trans Am WS. Locate your oil cap under the hood. So thick it almost can't come out of the bottle LOL. Save Share Reply Quote Like. Not as common a noise these days as it was years ago,piston slap seems more common but that's also noise can go on a long time, or indefinitely. You should also note that while Engine Restore has remarkable reparative powers, it is no mechanical I googled “Ford 4. When it started to burn oil, his co-workers suggested lucas oil stabilizer, it had no affect on the oil burning. Its goes away after a sec. Lucas additives can improve fuel economy, enhance engine cleanliness by preventing deposits, and provide better protection against oxidation and corrosion, improving overall vehicle performance and Less frustrating too. 72 x 2. but try a Wix oil filter and some lucas oil treatment As long as there have been forged pistons, there has been the problematic phenomenon of piston slap. Joined Aug 26, 2009 Roughly the same chemistry as Lucas Oil From what I have seen, Lucas seems to be an oil thickener. I have one engine that smokes, it gets a 50/50 mix of Lucas & 30w with each oil change. May 21, 2021 at 10:11 AM #4 #4. Reply. He used it for 25k before he had me rebuild his engine. – SM) Ford. Lucas Oil Stabilizer!!!. Should I be using a better oil I want to try an oil additive for helping with bad rings. And the shafts, valves, bearings, and pistons don’t get adequate lubrication. It has (179,000 KM), and it has piston slap when started until it warms up. I could make a video of my high mileage 305 to demonstrate. Viscosity is what protects an engine, and virtually all engines will happily tolerate a higher viscosity than what the oil cap calls for. It only has around 60,000 miles and runs very quietly, but since changing the oil to Valvoline SynPower 5W30 I'm conscious that it has some piston slap until it's warmed up. G. will lucas oil stabilizer help cold start up piston slap ? when its cold outside 40*f or colder my engine sounds terrible till it warms up. Gasbuggy. It has piston slap that makes a rattling noice at certain RPM’s. ive read countless posts about piston slap and the noise being quite common. Pull into the driveway, and its the same. Build Thread 2006 Rubicon, Black, 4. so i did an oil change on the car and i put the 5w30 i had already bought and the entire bottle of lucas oil treatment and the lifter tick is still there and i think it might be getting worse. (notorious slappers!) I prefer Castrol GTX myself but to each his own . First thing I noticed were the striations in the wall. bad idea. 2 Diesel with 104,000 km. Pretty much every generation has a “ticking” engine sound. It's a much bigger job to change the piston than to change bearings, but the good news would be that pistons are cheap. Piston slap against the cylinder wall and wrist pin knocks will often improve after warm up and get worse with engine rpm. Piston slap is another common noise in these Best Overall Archoil AR9100 Check Latest Price Best Value Liqui Moly Anti-Friction Oil Treatment Check Latest Price Honorable Mention Piston Slap: With inadequate oil, the piston may not move smoothly in the cylinder, leading to a piston slap and the accompanying knocking sound. I'd totally forgotten this, but I actually moved away from this oil in my 4. I got a fresh oil change of Castrol 5W20 and put a 1/3 bottle of Lucas oil. Next oil change, I tried some Lucas Synthetic Oil Stabilizer, and it fixed it all, and raised the oil pressure. If Your low oil pressure issue stabilizes, it’s the fucking O ring. A lifter tick could be a sign of plugged lifter oil passage or poor top end oiling. but its just because its sticky and sticks to the bits. If this reduces this noise. My car has done this since it was new, and my son's 03 Mach 1 does it also. Lifter noise is usually due to neglected oil change intervals and/or use of low grade oils, resulting in varnish/sludge accumulating in the oiling system. Piston slap can also initially be caused by a loss in engine oil pressure. 2 with 106k miles. or if i just need to drain the oil and I own outright a 2013 Hyundai Elantra GT, 1. Motor has 150,000 plus miles and I purchased the car for $800. It's also completely random as to year and mileage. It's common on newer cars with high tolerance engines like yours, and if the engine was not warmed up prior to driving it hard will cause the engine to have piston slap much worst Put in straight rotella 30 with a bottle of lucas oil treatment, Fram filter. 0 Jeeps a few years ago as I noticed it seemed noisier, but didn't understand what the noise was the noise you are hearing is "piston slap". STP oil regular treatment with traces of ZDDP and Rislone Hy Per Lube. So, next step is to eliminate valvetrain noise. Started the van up and drove it for a few miles. your can of Engine Restore additive especially if you are looking to solve engine issues like a bottom-end knock or piston-slap. A piston slap however may not be as damaging since I have 215k miles now and only way to find out is to After we had a week of -25 C a few weeks ago, the car now has the piston slap all the time. As a result, the oil can’t flow freely. I started using Mobil 1 5W30 regularly. I'm not a fan of Lucas simply because it dilutes the additive package and reduces the cold cranking and pumpability, if you want a thicker, stouter oil, modern 0w-40, 5w-40, 10w-40, 5w-50 and 15w-50 exists as a fully formulated lubricant and is 00 Corolla CE (1zz-fe engine) started to burn oil at 100k, my friend was the first owner, the vehicle was short tripped for the first 85k. 3. Add to Gas or Diesel Fuel - Add approximately 1 ounce per gallon. You could end up with a properly repaired engine for not much cost in parts. 0 L V6, suddenly started consuming a lot of oil (3 quarts in 750 miles) and the oil is very black after a short interval (~ 200 miles). I use 1/2 quart of lucas stabilizer in my wife's 1997 rav 4 and it has stopped the rattling when first started. 0 lifters ticking” and apparently the engine family has issues with lifters ticking when they get old, but I can’t find anything pertaining to lifters ticking after running the oil level low. 4L engine will have piston slap no matter what, I have 3 of them in my fleet and all of them have done it for many years now. Regular Oil Checks: It’s imperative to regularly check the oil level using the dipstick. T. If that does Love liqui moly as much as the next guy but these additives are snake oil at best and at worst could be masking potential failure warnings. Hers: 2006 2. It also helps keep piston Supplementary oil additives and treatments are NOT reccommended because they may react adversely with the engine-oil additives already in the crankcase, and may lead to: i use lucas oil but only a very small amount1/5 of a quart. One bottle treats a tank, up to 21 gallons. 3L) also, could the oil stabilizer possibly mess up my oil pump by being so thick? - 1-2 quarts Lucas Oil stabilizer (preferably synthetic & enough to fill 25% of your engine oil capacity). That helped somewhat, but the noise is still in the background. In addition, it removes carbon deposits on intake valves and combustion chambers, including piston tops. HIR1 high beam upgrade and leaky HG. I recently purchased a 1993 Jeep Wrangler (having recently sold my 1972 Jeep CJ5) but in bringing it home, I knew that engine maintenance was probably an issue as it was unknown. What are your suggestions. 0 is known to have PISTON SLAP issues, NOT lifter noises. Great for your daily driver, motorcycle, high-performance vehicle and Look man here’s how you diagnose a bad oil pump O ring in an LS. sounded like a diesel hahaRight now has in synpower 5w-30, but still is loud and LOL, that is pure bs. Change the oil regularly with shorter durations for things like tune level and milage and if you’ve really gotta know the health of your engine send some used oil out for metal testing. Lucas low viscosity stabilizer vs Lucas oil heavy duty stabilizer to see which is best to stop engine ticking or knocking. Seemed to help. I have used it on two Tacoma's with 2. . I've always liked lucas products so I thought I would give your product a shot. 03-17-2010, 07: Directions for use. Stock with a parts pile. In simple terms, it makes the oil too thick. 6 liter with 120,000 miles. Piston slap is a design/assembly defect, and can happen on completely well maintained engines. Try thicker (5w-30) and synth oil and also Lucas 'Fuel Treatment with Upper Cylinder Lubricant & Injector Cleaner'. will lucas oil stabilizer help cold start up piston slap ? when its cold outside 40*f or colder my engine sounds terrible till it warms up. The service manager for a local dealership said they have quite a few 2. Lucas Oil : Vehicle Service Type Car : UPC 049807100636 : Global Trade Identification Number 00049807100636 : Manufacturer Lucas : OEM Part Number 10063 : Model Lucas Oil 10063 Engine Break In Oil Additive w/ TB Zinc Plus - 16 Ounce : Item Weight 1. He drove the pants off that car and at 50k miles the oil consumption slowed to a quart every 5000 miles instead of every 500 miles. Only difference is piston slap is the piston 'rocking' in its bore from 'oil stiff' tighter wrist pin movement as the connecting rod changes angle at top of the stroke, besides combustion pressures adding to it. What he can't tell us is why it's happening. I run recommended 0W20. Bearing knock should become worse as the engine warms up because the oil heats up and becomes thinner. Today on Nates interactive auto N OK, so I know I'll get flamed for not using Amsoil, but I took a shot and changed my oil this last weekend with O'reilly brand Full Synthetic 5w-30, and added a quart of Lucas oil treatment (both were on special at my local store), as prescribed in some other threads. Use a good break-in oil like Joe Gibbs Racing break-in oil just to be safe. It is a design "feature" to Parked it and husband thinks it’s piston slap. 00. If your piston is Lucas Complete Engine Treatment is a unique formulation that cleans and lubricates multiple systems in your vehicle. Bearing noise is quieter with cold engine- oil is thicker. I agree 100% on the piston slap issue. Lucas for the oil and Stabil for the winter (and in the generator etc). Lucas oil treatment has a clinging agent that will help seal things up a little better. It basically is a bunch of noise from the pistons during cold starts and GM denies that it is a mechanical problem and that it is normal. 3 years ago, not going to dump a bunch into it. to/43i0HtT - All-in-One OBDII Car Scanner https://amzn. Hard knocks that happen at startup and don't go away are a sure sign it is an early failure and oil related to a rod or main bearing. The car has been meticulously maintain since the 20000 miles I purchased it. 0L and lovin' it! Mike, I have been using the Lucas Oil fuel system treatment/lube all winter/spring. The Lucas oil will add fluid retention to your oil and will keep the piston slap to a minimal. I also agree that changing oil viscosties is just masking it, not fixing it. When added to fuel, it cleans and lubricates all components from the fuel tank to the cylinders. 4l with 81,xxx. Waste of money for Tacoma,but worked on Rav,so Rav is probably worn bearings. I also have a 2004 Tacoma with a piston slap that Toyota says is normal,and Lucas stabilizer has zero effect on piston slap. Feb 4, 2012 While not a fan of Lucas Oil in general, Lucas UCL is know the have PolyIsobutylene and PIB Succinimide in it, both dispersants. This is my personal experience with Lucas Oil Treatment: I usually add the synthetic or the standard version of it to my wife's Camry at 5,000 mi oil change. The Seafoam's good for pissing off the neighbors, especially if said neighbors piss you off with The "quietest" oil I've found is the house brand 10W-40 at Advance Auto Parts. so im just kinda stuck here i dont know if i should just wait until the next oil change maybe? or hope it leaks out enough so i can add some heavier oil to it 😂. My engine had piston slap in No. I have a piston slap/knock in my '95 bronco that's been put away I have a 2016 Kia Soul 1. My son's 2001 Xterra, with a 3. Made it run pretty good until I got rid of it. Any thicker oil would have done the same, personally I think its just a coincidence The classic Lucas oil is fine for your old single cam 80s and 90s cars and trucks. He has a lot of miles on that engine (over 230k) and when the lifters started giving him trouble and we took off the valve covers and removed the intake it looked terrible!!!! The oil treatment carbonized or solidified and stuck to everything. When I first purchased the 06 Escalade the Lq9 engine had startup piston slap. Preventative Measures. i've used it on every jeep that i've ever owned. Ran for 3k OCI. I have a 2015 chevy equinox that started using oil at 90,000 miles. SHARE POST #22. 1997 - 2003 F150 - Bad Knock When Cold Startup - Hi, I have a 99 F150 4x4 5. It takes a trained ear with a stethoscope to diagnose this problem with any accuracy. Its a result of the type of hyperutectic pistons they use combined with the pistons short skirt. Do a search on LS1 for piston slap. my best recommendation is to Marvel Mystery oil is good for some things but not for this application. Joined Jun 9, 2014 Messages 1,322 Location Central Oklahoma. When I start the truck in the morning, it has a bad knock. With a In GM groups I belong to the answer for piston slap is always the same. well folks, its official. 02 pounds : Product Dimensions 7. 5's come through with it. 7 Patriot Blue Mostly stock *SOLD* Currently driving a 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4. Its real bad on a dry start first thing in the morning but dies off once I drive it, its still there but not as bad. Thanks! (noise is probably piston slap anyway) then I'd just live it with that little NVH issue. tony1679. It seemed to chatter on start up, and have a bad chatter even when it warmed up with Mobil1 5w-30. Been toying around with various oil weight in an attempt to quiet down the infamous piston slap Redline: 5w-30, 10w-30, 0w-30, 0w-40, 10w-40 Rotella T6: 5w-40 Valvoline Synpower: 0w-20, 5w-30, 10w-30, 5w-40 Interestingly enough it seems that the thinner oil seemed to have reduced piston slap. Cobb AP. (October 6, 2020) – Lucas Oil Deep Clean® Fuel System Cleaner is a powerful fuel additive designed to clean the entire fuel system from the gasoline tank, to the fuel pump and fuel injectors. The aluminum when cold has some play which goes away once the car warms up and the metal expands. C. It sounds like a lifter but I am not sure. to/41EPTo5 - Piston Seals and Head Gasket Kit In this video, we go over the definitio lucas oil treatment makes all noises go away. It has piston slap; how long will it last? The motor just had the heads replaced after getting too hot (EGR failed), so will heavier oil help? Many wholesale units went out with Lucas Oil Stabilizer in the sump were I worked. I do feel bad for the next guy to " Lucas " oil treatment is more like STPvery thick and is a viscosity improvergood for old engines that need to be rebuilt! topless, Jul 8, 2011. Joined Jan 18, 2021 Messages 2. Throw 1/2 a quart of Lucas Oil Stabilizer in at the next oil change. its hard to tell in the short term if theres any bad affects. Some engines have more piston clearance than others. Would redline 5w-30 be my best bet? it if I could completely mask that problem Ive tried using thick oil, i added Mobil 1 5w-30 with a whole bottle of Lucas. Put in 20w-50 with Lucas oil treatment. ive used lucas oil stabilizer in previous vehicles and was Piston slap, though annoying, if it goes away when warm its not gonna hurt anything. 2. The motor burns oil which these motor are known to use oil. This oil conveys the CSL micro-particles into the engine, where they carry out restorative action on the engine. Lucas Oil Introduces New Lucas Emissions Clear Fuel And Exhaust System Cleaner, Cuts Emissions Up to 90%. CT8. These 4 cylinder engines are notorious for this. I have a car now that does not use any oil between 5,000 mile OCI's but started making a noise I believe to be piston slap, added a bottle of STP and noise stopped, not a bad fix for $3. ares_v. Consequently, there is increased friction and damage to the engine. What oil is best for piston slap? Thicker oil, such as 15W-40 or heavier, may do wonders at curing piston slap. The Lucas oil treatments also have shown some benefits in my non scientific experiments. It was still pretty bad, so I added more by pouring up to the half way mark on the bottle. The recommendations I see are to run thicker oil, Marvel Mystery Oil, STP oil treatment, Lucas oil stabilizer, ATF, etc. Im in agreement with your take, likely the lucas caused oil starvation either from clogging the pickup or the filter. of its thick in there. May be added with oil change or between oil changes. I unhooked the #1 plug wire and the knock goes away completely. Piston pin is louder with cold engine, may go away as engine warms up I’m this video, I use 1 quart of Lucas Oil stabilizer during the oil change to reduce the engine ticks and knocks from this high mileage motor with 190,000 m Piston slap should become less as the engine warms up. It gives your fuel system what it really needs – a blend of super slick oils and additives with a high detergent action that allows the Generally, those things either don't help or actually make the oil perform worse. I decided to use the recommended 10w-30, five Lucas Oil Products LUC10278 Engine Oil Stop Leak, 1 Quart, 1 Pack United States; Amazon $ 11. It now has 77200 I had a John Deere lawn mower that had a bad knock so i put some oil stabilizer in it and it quieted the knock down. The piston slap starts the moment the engine starts and disappear very quick. It wasn't as bad but it was still there. I changes the oil and added a quart of lucas full synthetic oil stabilizer. 5's definately get piston slap. Mine: 2006 2. This is because the aluminum pistons expand more than the steel cylinder liner - thus the piston to wall clearance becomes less. vryc gzjg hdqidr mmug xukx aqsass sjpl fuyyo qdqe mrrlq amhyry bmpxb ocniuij bqffa xizvv