Immersive engineering wiki. This information pertains to an older version of the mod.
Immersive engineering wiki History [] Version history; 0. As added by Factory Tech Spawns as an ore between This page is about the Fermenter added by Immersive Engineering. Right-clicking it on an accepting machine will move the liquid from the Jerrycan to the machine's tank. SU = Power and RPM = How fast the machines will spin. youtube. The Mixer is a multiblock added by Immersive Engineering. Il ajoute une machinerie basée sur les Redstone Flux avec un côté rétro-futuriste, et de nombreuses machines sont des multiblocs. immersiveengineering. There's an In-Game Wiki mod, which I assumed was the reason for the title's wording. Only one Cartridge/item can be put into each of the 8 slots. Flaxbeard's Steam Power [] As added by Flaxbeard's Steam Power The Chemthrower Turret is a block added by Immersive Engineering. 2 and 1. If IndustrialCraft 2 is installed, it can also create IC2's Plates, including the Iridium Reinforced Plate. Right-click with an Engineer's Hammer on the middle conveyor to As Immersive Engineering introduces the ability to produce electricity, some popular mods even require it to function well such as defense system and automation mods. 16. The amount of energy produced depends on the minecraft minecraft-forge hacktoberfest immersive-engineering Resources. 2バージョンを基準に、まだApplied Energistics 2のME伝送用ワイヤとレッドストーンワイヤのみを追加してくれる。 AE2 MEワイ The Industrial Squeezer is a 3x3x3 multiblock added by Immersive Engineering. 2–1. To use it, items are dropped into the top of the multi-block structure, and can be removed from the black item port at the base. Once the blocks are assembled, use the Engineer's Hammer on the center of the front of the longer side (which should be a Steel Immersive Engineering [] As added by Immersive Engineering. Then shift-right-click the dynamo with the windmill in-hand. They can transfer energy in the Immersive Engineering: Type: Solid block: The Coke Brick (previously called the Coke Oven) is a block added by Immersive Engineering. recipes. The Bottling Machine requires: 3 Steel Scaffolding 2 Iron Sheetmetal 1 Redstone Engineering Block 2 Light Engineering Blocks 3 Conveyor Belts 1 Fluid Pump Conveyor belts must point from left to right. The Railgun is a ranged weapon added by Immersive Engineering. The Pumpjack is a 6×4×3 multiblock added by Immersive Petroleum. A blacklist is toggled by Immersive Engineering is a mod created by BluSunrize and Mr_Hazard. When a Cartridge is used, the Empty Casing or Empty Shell will remain behind. Building the Mixer requires 3 Fluid Pipes, 4 Iron Sheetmetal, 4 Light Engineering https://linktr. 4-134. A masterwork of engineering! Four propellers strapped on a bunch of bamboos. Recipe [] 3. The Revolver is a ranged weapon added by Immersive Engineering. Cartridges are the 親ページに戻る Engineer's Decor Engineer's Decor アイテムリスト_1. It accepts items, liquid, and energy, and produces new liquids from the result. The Engineer Villager is a Villager added by Immersive Engineering, which spawns in an Engineer's House. This page is about the Mixer from Immersive Engineering. Right-clicking with the gun in hand will make it shoot. https://www. 4 Immersive The Jerrycan is an item added by Immersive Engineering. Overall, it's about realism この項目では、MOD「Immersive Engineering」について解説しています。 最新の情報を反映していない可能性がございますので、あらかじめご注意ください。 主にRFで動作するマルチブロックの大型のマシンを多く追加す Crusher is a machine added by the Immersive Engineering mod. It is the most simple Cartridge, and it takes 10 (7 before version 0. com/channe The Crude Blast Furnace (formerly Blast Furnace) is a 3x3x3 multiblock furnace added by Immersive Engineering that alloys Iron with Coal Cokes to produce Steel. It is used in many different recipes, including the Water Wheel, HV Capacitor, Bayonet and Windmill Blade. The Jerrycan cannot be filled by simply right-clicking liquids. For other uses, see Fluid Pipe. Immersive Engineering adds Uranium, but it is currently unused (except as a hot source for the Thermoelectric Generator). The Refinery is a 3x5x3 multi-block added by Immersive Engineering. 5. To use it, items are Immersive Engineering is a Minecraft technology mod that allows you to build technology and engineering that’s accurate to real life. Alloy recipes need additional additives. The Diesel Generator does not have a GUI. . Creosote Oil is compatible with Railcraft Creosote Oil. A running Diesel Generator makes a fair amount of noise. 77 watching. It does not have an internal energy buffer, so Minecraftのあらゆる種類のケーブルをImmersive Engineeringワイヤに追加するモード。 他のモードのケーブルもサポートします。 0. 10. Often, it is even imperceptible - players may assume they are using RF while not noticing they are actually using FE. Treated Wood Planks is a block added by Immersive Engineering. 5 Mineral Deposit Names . The Core Sample Drill is placed as a single block but stands three blocks tall. It adds new Redstone Flux (RF)-based machinery with a retro-futuristic feeling to the game, and many of the machines are multiblock structure. The Engineer's Blueprint (previously known as the misspelled Engineers Blueprint) is an item added by Immersive Engineering. Agreed that it's funny, though it also means no "official Nickel is an element and a material added by various mods. 8, the Industrial Squeezer was a block. Once it's powered and an empty pipe is connected Electrum is an alloy added by various mods. It is most commonly made by combining Silver and Gold. Find guides, changelog, external links and more on this wiki page. For example, liquid concrete can be mixed from water, sand, gravel, and clay. It is used together with the Fluid Pipe to move liquids at faster speeds, into tanks without input/output, and to suck up liquids. It is also used to fuel the Mining Drill. ee/minecraft_mentorIn this video i show you how to use the garden cloche from the minecraft tech mod immersive engineering. 6. As added by GregTech 6 Melt Silver and Gold in Crucible. The Item Router has a GUI. After about 50 seconds, that Coal will produce one Coal Coke MOD解説/Immersive Engineering/Immersive Technology/詳細解説 1. 12. It is used to make Biodiesel. Using Gold and Silver Dust in a crafting grid is one recipe to make Electrum Dust. 提供: Minecraft Japan Wiki < MOD This page is about the Railgun added by Immersive Engineering. Technology Included In This Mod. It can, however, be filled in a Bottling Machine 親ページに戻る Engineer's Decor Engineer's Decor アイテムリスト_1. As added by Vanilla Main article: Nickel on the Minecraft Wiki As added by Embers Nickel spawns as an ore between Y=0 and Y=24. The Excavator is a 8×3×7 multiblock machine added by Immersive Engineering that mines into Mineral Deposits below bedrock. For other uses, see Lightning Rod. g. For other uses, see Mixer. Different blueprints correspond to different items. The Improved Blast Furnace is a multiblock furnace added by Immersive Engineering that alloys Iron with Coal Cokes to produce Steel. 2 Immersive Petroleum 詳細解説_1. Moving through it will also give the Flammable debuff. 1) health from the mob it is shot at. For other uses, see Creosote Oil. It adds new Forge Energy (FE)–based machinery with a retro-futuristic feeling to the game. For other uses, see Windmill. Then we look at basic multibl LV, MV and HV Wire Connectors are blocks added by Immersive Engineering. A beast of copper and steel, built to conquer the skies! Four seats, I show in this video, how to succeed and get going in Immersive Engineering as a beginner. It's quite handy for building. Shaders are aesthetic upgrades for certain tools and entities added by Immersive Engineering. 2! We'll be going over how to get power This page is about the Lightning Rod added by Immersive Engineering. Github wiki is a different matter, since the in-game manual isn't available there. It adds a lot of new systems to the game and the mod itself has a unique aesthetic – it’s one #Alloy Kiln event. It has one page telling you to craft the Engineer's Manual. For other uses, see Railgun. Immersive Engineering 0. Forks. It can generate Immersive Flux (IF) or Redstone Flux (RF) based on the temperature difference of the blocks surrounding it. As added by GregTech 5 Steel is a refined form of Iron added by various mods. The Lightning Rod is a multi-block added by Immersive Engineering. It is used to generate Redstone Flux (RF) when connected to the front of a Kinetic Dynamo. For other uses, see Excavator. Additionally, as RF was the only well-known power system of its kind for a long time, it is now established as a household name The Bottling Machine is a 3x2x3 multi-block added by Immersive Engineering. It is used to make Ethanol. For other uses, see Tank. alloy(output, input1, input2) event. Making Steel requires either the Railcraft or IndustrialCraft Blast Furnace, the Bronze Plated Blast Furnace, the Industrial Blast Furnace, or the High Oven. The Ear Defenders can selectively muffle its sound. For other uses, see Fermenter. This Immersive Intelligence is a Minecraft mod, an addon for Immersive Engineering for 1. It generates Immersive Flux (IF) or Redstone Flux (RF) by burning Biodiesel or other modded fuels. 19. alloy(output, input1, input2, time) The Core Sample Drill is a machine added by Immersive Engineering. They connect machines, generators and capacitors to wires so they can send and receive energy, in the form of Immersive Flux (IF) or Redstone Flux (RF). It needs either an Iron Drill Head or a Steel Drill Head installed. The Mining Drill (when crafted) does not come with a Drill Head. The Chemical Thrower is a ranged weapon added by Immersive Engineering. A Multiblock (often stylized as Multi-block or Multi block) is a term defined as an in-game structure made out of (and usually requiring) multiple blocks in order to function. As added by ArmorPlus The Steel Ingot is This page is about the Windmill from Immersive Engineering. A Core Sample Drill tests for these reservoirs. Immersive Engineering Immersive Engineering: Type: Mechanic: Mineral Deposits, or Mineral Veins, are veins of ores that are very thin but very spread out. It is used in the creation of the Coke Oven. 796 stars. See Immersive Engineering project for more information. Question My survey tools and core sample drill both return records of "laterite" and "chalcopyrite". Começando Changelog Usando MineTweaker e Immersive Engineering Immersive Engineering on CurseForge Immersive Engineering on This page is about the Creosote Oil from Immersive Engineering. The Lightning Rod is The Arc Furnace is a 5×5×5 multiblock machine added by Immersive Engineering, used for smelting ores and grits into ingots, creating alloys including steel, and recycling certain tools and armor. It extracts fluids like Crude Oil from reservoirs that are below bedrock. It is used to store liquid in item form. youtub This information pertains to an older version of the mod. NuclearCraft [] As added by NuclearCraft. via a pump, or a tank outputting when given a redstone The Windmill is a block added by the Immersive Engineering mod, which generates RF in a connected Kinetic Dynamo. The Water Wheel must be connected to a flowing water stream in order to work, and the amount of power produced scales directly with the number of flowing water blocks adjacent to the wheel. Power! There are 2 aspects in Create: SU (Stress Units) and RPM (Revolutions per minute). It features many multiblock machines, with energy components that look and feel like an AC electrical network. See more This guide is on getting started with Immersive Engineering. There have been only a few changes to the mechanics over the years. The Windmill is a block added by Immersive Engineering. Immersive Engineering's unit of Forge Energy is Immersive Flux (IF), which integrates ちょっと古め? でも強力 MOD名:Immersive Engineering作成者:BluSunrizeダウンロード先:こちら詳しい対応verはこちら 多くの工業MODは、1つのブロックで機械を表 The Metal Press is a 3×1×3 multiblock machine added by Immersive Engineering. Lead Nuggets are used to make Casull Cartridges and Silver Cartridges. Instead of one block that magically spits out dusts when ore is put in, it offers a ho wto use the gun turret from immersive engineering minecraft tech mod to defend your base. NuclearCraft adds Uranium as a base radioactive material, and can be processed by Industrial Foregoing, Tinker's Construct, Mekanism (up to Immersive Engineering is a Minecraft technology mod that allows you to build technology and engineering that’s accurate to real life. The Railgun does not need to be loaded; it will automatically grab ammunition from items in the inventory, displayed as being in the "slot" in the UI (bottom right corner, usually). 2 Immersive Intelligence アイテムリスト_1. Each Mineral Deposits takes up only one chunk; this can be in any chunk though, including other dimensions and in This page is about the items from Immersive Engineering. Building another Windmill of any type in close proximity (up to 7 blocks in front of it) will reduce its speed. It offers a progressive gameplay experience where The Mining Drill is a tool added by Immersive Engineering. Warship. It uses: 16 Iron Sheetmetal 8 Steel Scaffoldings 5 Fluid Pipes 2 Light Engineering Blocks 2 Heavy Engineering Blocks 1 Redstone This mod's wiki pages are currently being updated to the latest version. In Immersive Engineering, Lead is used to create the three Capacitors (the LV Capacitor, the MV Capacitor and the HV Capacitor). The Crafting Components design can also be obtained by 親ページに戻る Engineer's Decor Engineer's Decor アイテムリスト_1. Immersive Engineering wiring is meant to look and feel like AC electrical systems. 12-95 and were replaced by the The Diesel Generator is a 3×5×3 multiblock added by Immersive Engineering. The Refinery is relatively complicated to make. This information pertains to an older version of the mod. 2 詳細解説_1. They attach Wire Connectors and Wire Relays to each other. The Fluid Pipe is a block added by Immersive Engineering. For the different spelling of the same element, see Aluminum. It shoots various fluids. To connect to the dynamo, first place the dynamo down at least 4 blocks off the ground. The Tank, previously called the Sheetmetal Tank, is a 3x3x5 multi-block added by Immersive Engineering, used for storing liquids. The The Alloy Kiln is a multi-block added by Immersive Engineering, made of Kiln Bricks. Overall, it's about realism-inspired technology: Instead of glowing red tubes, it offers actual, hanging powerlines. The Industrial Squeezer requires: 6 Steel Scaffoldings 4 Wooden Barrel 3 Steel Fences 2 Fluid Pipes 2 Light Engineering Blocks 1 Redstone Engineering Block 1 Piston Although the in 연료마다 고유의 연소 시간이 존재하는데, Immersive Engineering의 바이오디젤은 125tick, Immersive Petroleum의 디젤은 175tick, Buildcraft의 fuel은 375tick이다. As added by Extra Bees The Lustered Bees produce Nickel Comb which produce Nickel Grains when processed in a Centrifuge. To install a Drill Head, the Mining Drill should be placed in an Engineer's Workbench, and the corresponding Drill Head should Crusher is a machine added by the Immersive Engineering mod. Similar to the Chemical Thrower, a pilot light can be turned on to ignite the fluid sprayed by the turret. It adds a lot of new systems to the game and the mod itself has a unique aesthetic – it’s one Immersive Technologyに移行しながら追加された機械。 軽油、バイオディーゼル、ガソリンを燃料として使用することができる。 蒸気タービンと同様に、ガスタービン自 The Engineer's Skyhook is a mobility tool added by Immersive Engineering that enables the player to ride along wires, ropes and cables up to great distances. 405 forks. The project was started 19 June 2021. It is used to generate Redstone Flux (RF) when connected to a Kinetic Dynamo. In versions prior to Minecraft 1. https://linktr. It is used to move liquids around. Stars. ee/minecraft_mentor https://www. The mod adds Oil alongside means of extracting and processing Oil. 12 This page is about Aluminium. This mod also includes plenty of customized items such as guns, bullets, armors, stones and metal materials, and components for electricity. The Garden Cloche is a machine added by Immersive Engineering. Right-clicking it on any other block will pour (place) the liquid into the world. The Floodlight when supplied with LV RF (using a LV Wire Coil) provides a cone of light that can extend up to 32 blocks long, the light is equivalent to a Glowstone block, the brightest light level in the game. Wire . The dust can then be smelted in a furnace. The Fluid Pump is two blocks tall. It is a stationary sentry that sprays liquid at any hostile mobs in its detection range and can be further configured by right-clicking to attack neutral mobs, animals, and even other players. There are 3 variants of Treated Wood Planks: Horizontal, Vertical, and Packaged. The Coke Oven is easy to use; putting Coal (or a Block of Coal) in the left-most slot in the GUI will start it. For other uses, see Refinery. For the most This page is about the Refinery added by Immersive Engineering. It is used for tools, armor and some higher tier machines and tools. The Fermenter is a 3x3x3 multiblock structure (previously its own block) added by Immersive Engineering. It must be arranged in a 2x2x2 solid cube to work. The Conveyor Belts should both travel down the The Coke Oven is a multiblock structure added by Immersive Engineering. The piston should face downwards. It is made with Coke Bricks arranged in a 3x3x3 solid cube and right-clicking on a central block of any face with an Engineer's Hammer. Les machines peuvent avoir une tension basse, moyenne ou haute avec 256 RF/t pour une tension faible, 1024 RF/t avec une tension moyenne et 4096 RF/t avec une Immersive Engineering(イマーシブ エンジニアリング)は、水車や風車などを動力源にして電力を作り様々な機械設備を動かす大規模の工業化Mod。 見た目にもこだわりが感じられ、水車、風車、ベルトコンベアなどの機械設備が動いている様子も楽しめる。 This page is about the Excavator added by Immersive Engineering. In this modpack you will make your way from gathering flint for crafting your first pickaxe to complex immersive-looking multiblock machines and factories. It generates energy from lightning. Shaped Crafting. It is used to make Plant Oil or HOP Graphite Dust. 2. Unlike most machines, it does not consume any energy. The Water Wheel is an item added by Immersive Engineering. To use Industrial Village is a tech-based colony-managing modpack centered around the Immersive Engineering and Minecolonies mods. The alloy can also be made with dust and/or ingots of Silver and Gold in an Induction Smelter or Alloy Smelter. ee/minecraft_mentorIn this video i show you how to setup and use the sawmill from the minecraft technology mod immersive engineering. The Fluid Pipe will automatically pull liquids The Fluid Pipe is a block added by Immersive Engineering, and its primary use is for trasmitting fluids from one place to another. There is apparently no record of them in the FTB Wiki and even though a Immersive Engineeringに石油の要素を追加するアドオン。 BuildCraftのような油田が生成されるわけではなく、現実世界と同様鉱脈として石油が産出し、 それを専用の機械で採掘・精製することで燃料として扱うことができる。 This page is about the Fluid Pipe added by Immersive Engineering. For it to operate, the Arc Furnace needs power and three working Graphite Electrodes. Unless the fluid input is powered in some way (e. It has a collection of slots for each side of the Item Router. It shoots various items as ammunition. I'm no archaeologist or miner or whatever, so I don't have a great idea as to what ores these veins' names suggest. To load the Chemical Thrower, the player may fill it with a liquid using a machine such as the Bottling Machine, right click on a tank or barrel containing a valid liquid, or place it into the orange slot of a machine which outputs liquid (such as the Advanced Coke Oven for Creosote Welcome to the Immersive Engineering project! This projects serves to update Immersive Engineering documentation to the latest version. Immersive Engineering was voted as the best new mod of 2015 by /r/feedthebeast[1]. View license Activity. LV, MV and HV Wire Coils are a form of energy-transfer equipment added by Immersive Engineering, used as part of the mod's "energy-net". For other uses, see Shaders. The Core Sample Drill takes 10 seconds by default Engineer's Life 2 is a tech-based modpack focused around Immersive Engineering mod and built for Minecraft 1. Machines will perform their functions faster the greater TIL Immersive Engineering has an official in-game wiki. Learn about Immersive Engineering, a mod that adds retro-futuristic machinery to Minecraft. To load the gun, shift right-click with the Revolver in hand to open its GUI. The Floodlight also prevents hostile mobs from spawning within the 32 block long cone. Construction involves arranging 27 Blast Bricks into a cube and using an Engineer's Hammer on the front face to complete the structure As added by Immersive Engineering The Crude Blast Furnace Immersive Engineering 1. It shoots Cartridges. It does not have a GUI - instead, the crushing wheels Immersive Flux (IF; Immersive Engineering) Seamless conversion between RF and FE is easily possible. Biodiesel is a fluid added by Immersive Engineering. The Item Router is used to organize and distribute items, used together with Conveyor Belts. Note: this guide assumes that you are using the latest version of Immersive Immersive Engineering is a mod created by users BluSunrize and Mr_Hazard. Right-clicking it will open its GUI (Graphical User Interface). IndustrialCraft 2 adds Steel, but it is called Refined Iron. This includes ores, and basic tools. The piston's and the Conveyor Belts' direction matters. It is used in the Engineer's Workbench; putting the Blueprint in the Workbench's main slot will allow specialized items to be crafted. It stamps Plates, Rods, and Wires out of metal ingots. It is used to fill liquid containers. Fuel needs to be piped in through the side The Item Router is a machine added by Immersive Engineering. The Crusher is a 3×5×3 multiblock added by Immersive Engineering. Using it on a mid-air line Immersive Engineering est un mod crée par BluSunrize et Mr_Hazard. The bottom block accepts Redstone Flux (RF) energy. Aluminium is a metal and an element added by various mods. It is used to make energy in a Diesel Generator, and made in a Refinery. It is meant to get you up and running like a pro. Most recipes create Slag as a byproduct. Watchers. Report repository Releases 63. (previous page) () Immersive Engineering is a mod created by BluSunrize and Mr_Hazard. Playing with this mod is a fun way to learn an approximation of how real-world powerlines This page is about the Crusher added by Immersive Engineering. Instead of one block that magically spits out dusts when ore is put in, it offers a crusher While future projects will become a bit more hefty to deal with, pairing it with Immersive Engineering via the Electric Motor will bypass this. It is used for crushing ores into grit, which is more efficient than normal smelting. As added by Vanilla Main article: Aluminium on the Minecraft Wiki As added by GregTech 1 As added by GregTech 4 As added by GregTech 5 The main source of Aluminium is Bauxite Ore, but it can also be acquired from Pages in category "Immersive Engineering" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 330 total. There are four main categories of the mod's content: Data and Electronics – alows the player to transmit signals on the data network via packets of variables, there are many multiblock machines which allow reading, writing, transmitting and receiving data, allowing it to be an upgraded version of The Casull Cartridge is a Cartridge added by Immersive Engineering for the Revolver. It is the upgraded tier of the Crude Blast Furnace, capable of automation and also of greater The Fluid Pump is a block added by Immersive Engineering. 11-62: Changed the stack size output from 2 to 3. After it is arranged in that pattern, the player must right-click one of the blocks with an Engineer's The Thermoelectric Generator is a power generation block added by Immersive Engineering. The Core Sample Drill has no GUI. https:// Immersive Engineering is a tech mod with a certain charm, based on the ideas and concepts, and with most assets created by Damien Hazard. Examples include the Railcraft Blast Furnace and the IndustrialCraft Immersive Engineering is a tech mod with a certain charm, based on the ideas and concepts, and with most assets created by Damien Hazard. Shaders can be installed onto these tools at an The Floodlight is a block added by the Immersive Engineering. It is used to detect and analyze Mineral Deposits that can be extracted by an Excavator. Machines use either low, medium or high voltages with 256 RF/t being low, 1024 RF/t being medium and 4096 RF/t being high. It is Immersive Engineering is a top-of-the-line tech mod for now, it adds many new multi-block structured machines and Redstone Flux (RF) based machines with a nostalgic futuristic feel to the Immersive Engineering is a tech mod with a certain charm, based on the ideas and concepts, and with most assets created by Damien Hazard. Readme License. The This page is about the Tank added by Immersive Engineering. It adds a number of structures that create a more realistic setting for power generation using the RF system. Immersive Petroleum is an Immersive Engineering addon created by Flaxbeard. 보일러의 연소시간에 관한 식은 (1000 / 연료 연소 시간) * (4 * Modifier) mB/t이며, 모드 config 파일의 Modifier 기본값은 1이다 Immersive Engineeringは、 BluSunrize と Mr_Hazard によって開発されたModである。 レトロフューチャーな Redstone Flux (RF) ベースの機械を追加する。 機械の大半はマルチブロック構造である。機械は低圧、中圧、高圧のいずれかの電圧で使用される。 Welcome to FTB Wiki's Guide to Immersive Engineering Wiring. Creosote Oil is a fluid added by Immersive Engineering. They were removed in update 0. Clicking an item into one of these slots will not put the item into the slot, but it will Hey, guys! Today we are taking a little looksie into the amazingly complicated world of Immersive Engineering in 1. Overall, it’s about realism-inspired technology: Instead of glowing red tubes, it offers actual, hanging powerlines. It also burns at the same rate as regular Wood. It is powered by Biodiesel, and can be filled directly from a Refinery. It is used in the creation of Treated Wood Planks, and made in a Coke Oven. They can be made with a Chisel or crafted normally. In the GUI, the top of the central two slots is where a seed can be Immersive Engineering [] As added by Immersive Engineering. For other uses, see Crusher. It uses energy (Redstone Flux) to convert ores into dusts. 4. It is used to grow crops placed in it. https://linktr. This guide was written as of Immersive Engineering v4. The mod is available for Minecraft versions between 1. They cannot be detected without a Core Sample Drill and cannot be extracted without an Excavator. ezpdxkelkwjcezoxbztnfoejyynisghqnjfyxzhdaieszdhxloumwfqnmzjruxtvkquqmsoefz