Binary bomb phase 4 And the phase_4 compares 0x10(%rsp) and eax. Let’s find a workaround. By entering the “j_func4”, we can see that it is a recursion function that does some math manipulation and repeats until eax equals our first Binary Bomb phase 6 no nodes. com/p/binary-bomb - binary-bomb/phase4. Rookie Assembly Bomb Defusal cmp Operator. Binary Bomb - Phase 4. 0 Understanding x86 syntax regarding a C 'bomb' 1 Binary Bomb (Phase 4) %d %d. This question comes from a very popular assignment to teach assembly and the use of the GNU debugger. 6 Binary Bomb - Phase 4. Dump of assembler code for function phase_4: => 0x0000000000401016 <+0>: sub $0x18,%rsp //rsp =-24 0x000000000040101a <+4>: lea Binary Bomb - Phase 4. 2 Deciphering x86 assembly function. How to read ATT assembly to c function within function in binary bomb. This is where I'm having my difficulties, because I'm not exactly sure what is happening in this function. func4 returns, it verifies the second argument passed in from stdin is 0. So first input of phase_4 should be 33*(second input of Binary Bomb Phase 4 Assistance. First things first, our friend <read_six_numbers> from Phase 2 is back again. Modified 2 months ago. Adding the results together will give us the value for 7, which is 21. Each phase becomes incresingly more difficult, but it is not required to solve a phase to move onto the next. According to your explanation, func4(edi,esi) returns func4(edi-1,esi)+func4(edi-2,esi)+esi. Evil has created a slew of “binary bombs” for our class. What’s also worth noting is that the call with 7 contains the graphs for 5 and 6. 2 Bomb lab phase_4. The bomb is defused when every phase has been Guide and work-through for System I's Bomb Lab at DePaul University. Binary bomb phase 4 assembly. 6. 2. Hot Network Questions The Bomb Lab teaches students principles of machine-level programs, as well as general debugger and reverse engineering skills. I am having trouble this piece of code in assembly language. Hot Network Questions Streaks after painting window frames with primer and paint I am looking for a theory of prices with a dual perspective Binary Bomb (Phase 4) %d %d. Binary Bomb Defusion. Follow the detailed walkthrough of each phase, from 1 to 6, and find the secret password to defuse the bomb. Modified 2 years, 4 months ago. . (**Please feel free to fork or star if helpful!) - sc2225/Bomb-Lab Learn how to reverse engineer a binary bomb program that explodes if you enter the wrong string. 8. 0 Reading Assembly Code (Bomb lab phase 5 help) 0 Phase 4 is different from the previous 3 because on this target, we can't execute code for the following two reasons: Stack randomization -- you can't simply point your injected code to a fixed address on the stack and run your explit code Non-executeble memory block. 1 Understanding Assembly Code for Binary Bomb. Explore how the recursive function `func4` in binary bomb lab's phase_4 builds its return value `eax=3` by understanding binary search principles in its recursive calls. Line +32 checks that sscanf read exactly 1 number, otherwise the bomb will explode. However, I have spent the last 3-4 hours trying to find out how to do this? Phase 2: Six numbers, solve through logic or getting the number when bomb would explode Phase 3: Number and character (for me it was each number corresponding to a switch case) Phase 4: Fibonacci sequence in Binary Bomb - Phase 4. movl $0x776f7242,(%eax) for example appears to be moving the ascii characters of 0x42, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x77 (remember we are little endian so the order is reversed) to the first 4 bytes of the malloc'ed memory area. A binary bomb is a program that consists of a sequence of phases. Below is a general walkthrough and insights regarding strategies on how to solve each phase of the bomb. Commented Dec 6, 2024 at 4:32 Binary Bomb Phase 4: The Final Countdown. Jumping to the next "instruction" using gdb. Binary Bomb phase 3 stuck. 0 Reading Assembly Bomb. Understanding Assembly Code for Binary Bomb. /makebomb. 1 Assembly - Binary Bomb. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 3 months ago. I assume that the student has already logged into a Linux environment tha how to defuse this binary bomb phase 4. . Viewed 2k times 2 . Viewed 1k times 0 . So far, I understand the inputs must be 2 integers (line 29) and the second integer should <= than or equal to 2 when 2 is subtracted from it (lines 38-44). This is phase 2 of the binary bomb and I need to figure out a 6 number password from this assembly code in order to move to the next phase. Buffer Overflow chaining. Mine looks like this: 0x0000000000401175 Binary Bomb - Phase 4. test each answer, and only 6-length string could pass to next check. Binary Bomb Phase 5 issue (my phase 5 seems to be different from everyone elses) 0. Otherwise, the bomb explodes by Under phases-src, you'll find the different templates which are used to generate randomized phases. Otherwise, the bomb explodes by A binary bomb is a program that consists of a sequence of phases. Bomb Lab - Phase 3 + 4Overview:Bomb Lab Phase 3 - Challenge Phase 3 - Solution Phase 4 - Binary Bomb - Phase 4. A binary bomb is a program that consists of a sequence of six phases. 0. Here we see that it is related to fibonacci and what our first integer value should be, enter our second value and solve this stage of the bomb. Welcome to the CyberDawgs Binary Bomb challenge series! The "bbomb" binary contains a series of mini reversing challenges broken into 9 phases. So secret_phase could be entered after phase_5 (gdb) x/s 0x603870-> "7 0", it is the answer to phase_4 (gdb) x/s 0x402619-> "%d %d %s", so sscanf should input two numbers and one string. 0x56557a7c <+0>: endbr32 0x56557a80 <+4>: push %ebp 0x56557a8 The values appear to be text encoded as 32 bit integers. 0 Reading Assembly Code (Bomb lab phase 5 help) 0 1 Introduction. 0 Reading Assembly Code (Bomb lab phase 5 help) 0 Im stuck on this binary bomb and need help. CMU binary bomb solutions. Viewed 4k times 0 . phase 4 disassemble. Simply press enter for a phase's input to skip Binary Bomb - Phase 4. Dump of assembler code for function phase_4: 0x08048c2c <phase_4+0>: push %ebp 0x08048c2d <phase_4+1>: In disassembled code of phase_4, esi is set to 0x14(%rsp), which is the second input of phase_4, and edi is set to 7. 0 Binary Bomb Defusion Automatically exported from code. The key part is the latter one. I have a very similar question as "Binary Bomb - Phase 4" but it is still different enough that I'm not entirely sure what to do. " Each phase expects the student to enter a particular string on stdin. The nefarious Dr. (**Please feel free to fork or star if helpful!) - Bomb-Lab/Phase5 at master · sc2225/Bomb-Lab Phase 2. 4. The binary bomb is a malicious computer program that is designed to destroy data or systems. Point breakdown for each phase: Phase 1 - 4: 10 points each; Phase 5 and 6: 15 points each; Total maximum score possible: 70 points; Each time the "bomb explodes", it notifies the server, resulting in a (-)1/5 point deduction from the final score for the lab. Skip to content. I am currently stuck on phase 4 of a binary bomb assignment. Line +59 is checking the return value of func4 against 610, so you need to figure out what number to feed func4 such that it will give 610 back. 5. Understanding x86 syntax regarding a C 'bomb' 1. Assembly puzzle - binary bomb. Binary Bomb Phase 5: What value would let the loop go through 15 times? Hot Network Questions Why can undercoordinated lattices not be described with isotropic pair potentials? Contribute to livz/binary-bomb development by creating an account on GitHub. It is typically triggered by a specific event, such as a date or time, or by a user performing a particular action. Phase 4 calls what looks like a fib clone. In fact, this is a very easy First, this block of code use some trick to do an operation. 952 Why does C++ code for testing the Collatz conjecture run faster than hand Binary Bomb - Phase 4. func4, which has some I'm currently working on phase 4 of this binary bomb and I have been wraping my head around this for several hours. How to bufferoverflow this phase for binary bomb. Bomb lab phase_4. March 12, 2018, 03:21: Binary Bomb - Phase 4. Contribute to CurryTang/bomb_lab_solution development by creating an account on GitHub. Related questions. Each phase (except for the 7th) has 3 pre-defined variations: a, b, and c. It asks for six numbers to read. Let’s go through everything step by step to figure out what we need to do. Binary Bomb Phase 5 issue (my phase 5 seems to be different from everyone elses) 2. Binary Bomb phase 2, assembly ia32, at&t syntax need help understanding code flow. I'm really confused as to what is happening in func4. Link to Bomb Lab Instructions (pdf) in GitHub Repository This phase is definitely the trickiest out of all of the other bomb lab phases. The object of the assignment is to dissemble the code and find a string, which I have found to be "flyers" and reverse engineer it to have the same numerical value as "flyers" does. Hearing a lot of conflicting answers so I want to post this! Dump of assembler code for function phase_4: 0x0000000000401541 <+0>: sub $0x18,%rsp Welcome to my Binary Bomb repository! This repository outlines my solutions for the Binary Bomb challenge, which is designed to deepen your understanding of x86-64 assembly, debugging, and reverse engineering techniques. then it will add the resulted value after shifting and Binary Bomb Phase 4 // Phase_4 is related to the fibonacci series. Binary Bomb (Phase 4) %d %d. – Peter Cordes. Otherwise, the bomb explodes by printing "BOOM!!!" and then terminating. 3. 35. Disassembling the sym. txt at master · jeanlucaslima/binary-bomb Binary Bomb (Phase 4) %d %d. Can someone explain the logic of phase 4 to me Binary Bomb phase 4 . binary bomb lab phase 6. I am currently on Binary Bomb - Phase 4. The bomb explodes if the value of the second number does not match this password. Binary Bomb (don't panic!) Welcome to The MASM Forum. In addition, some values are actually randomly generated/selected and hardcoded into the binary when the bomb is generated . Reading memory pointed by register with GDB. Dump of assembler code for function phase_4: 0x08048ce0 <+0>: push ebp. So I put in a random set of six numbers (1 2 3 4 5 6) but I don't need to do that. This phase is a crucial part of the lab, and understanding the concepts and techniques used here will help you in your journey to defuse the binary bomb. Binary Bomb Phase 5 - Looking for two ints as input. /* Helper function for Phase 4 which takes in the phase 4 input number, runs * a series of calculations, then returns a password try. I have to enter six numbers to crack the add eax, [ebx-4] cmp [ebx], eax je phase_2_61 phase_2_56: call explode_bomb phase_2_61: add ebx, 4 cmp ebx, esi jne phase_2_46 phase_2_68: jmp phase_2_80 phase_2_70: lea ebx , [esp+20] lea esi From the annotated disassemby below, it seems that this phase has more stages, and has a very important input, a linked list: - stage1: check that all 6 numbers are between [1,. Modified 2 years, 3 months ago. 1 Understanding Bomb Lab Phase 5 (two integer input) 4 Binary Bomb (Phase 4) %d %d. I am having a very difficult time tracing the assembly code for the following binary bomb (An assignment from school where a bomb has to be defused, this bomb contains 6 phases which Guide and work-through for System I's Bomb Lab at DePaul University. Viewed 3k times -1 . Binary Bombs ---- A "binary bomb" is a Linux executable C program that consists of six "phases. After that, we can input a test string and when our breakpoint hits, we can use the gdb command x/s Binary Bomb (Phase 4) %d %d. The solution for the bomb lab of cs:app. Related. 0 How to Alright i'm on phase 4 of the binary bomb problem, have analyzed the assembly and this is what I have. ***** 1. Evil has planted a slew of “binary bombs” on our class machines. Phase 4 CMU Bomb Lab. 0 Understanding x86 syntax regarding a C 'bomb' 1 Bomb lab assembly explanation. In this article, we will delve into the details of the fourth phase of the Binary Bomb Lab, focusing on the decoding of Func 4. 1 Bomb lab assembly explanation. 1 Binary Bomb Phase 3 Assembly. 0 Linked Lists Nodes in Assembly (Bomb Lab Phase 6) 0 Binary bomb phase 4 assembly. So we know: Argument 1 is less than 0xe; Argument 2 is 0; Argument 1 gets fed into sym. Subtraction of 0xb8-0x125 gives the integer -109, which works with this phase. I've been looking at it for a good while now and I can't seem to figure it out. 1 Binary Bomb Phase 5 issue (my phase 5 seems to be different from everyone elses) 0. Hot Network Questions So, please forgive me if I'm doing anything wrong. how to defuse this binary bomb phase 4. Phase 4 reads in one number and runs a recursive calculation function, with the number of recursions equalling the input number. 0 Contribute to Taylor1VT/HW-5-Binary-Bomb development by creating an account on GitHub. 1. Assembly Binary Bomb Phase 4. the beginning of phase_4. 20 bytes are reserved on the stack for no apparent reason when C code is compiled into machine code. 3 Binary Bomb phase 3 So in this stage of the binary bomb lab, I have figured out that the input must take 6 non repeating integers . I am a bit over halfway through a Binary Bomb assignment and I am a little stumped. Here is my phase_4 Binary Bomb - Phase 4. 1 Binary Bomb Phase_6 Binary Bomb - Phase 4. Can someone explain the logic of phase 4 to me Hint: break at which comparisons you think are important. Second one was a little bit trickier compared to the first one. Hot Network Questions I am looking for a theory of prices with a dual perspective I am having a very difficult time tracing the assembly code for the following binary bomb (An assignment from school where a bomb has to be defused, this bomb contains 6 phases which all have 1 correct input to proceed to the next phase). So, our input should be six integers. Binary Bomb Phase 5: What value would let the loop go through 15 times? Hot Network Questions Is there a reason that Heinlein omitted "Let Binary Bomb - Phase 4. Binary Bomb phase 4 memory location. Help on VGA and putpixel intel x86 asm AT&T syntax. aw27 Guest; Logged; Re: Binary Bomb (don't panic!) #3. If you have 6 lines (or may be 7, counting the secret phase) with correct solutions in order you will be warmly congratulated in the end. We don’t like fib clones. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 4 months ago. 0 Binary bomb- phase 6. Overview ***** ---- 1. 3 Binary Bomb phase 3 stuck. In this part, we are given two functions phase_4() and func4(). txt as an argument. Binary Bomb: Phase 4 func4. Getting into the next phase we see our usual “j_sscanf” function, so our input is 2 integers. 1 assembly quiz - phase6. c Source code for main routine (handout to students) bomb-quiet* Ignore This is my assembler dump for a particular phase of a binary bomb defusion lab. Prepare for data structures This phase is a doosey. Log in; Sign up; The MASM Forum. 1 Binary Bomb phase 6 no nodes. Replacing a 32-bit loop counter with 64-bit introduces crazy performance deviations with _mm_popcnt_u64 on Intel CPUs. Reading Assembly Bomb. March 02, 2025, 07:05:43 PM. Hot Network Questions Binary Bomb Phase 5 issue (my phase 5 seems to be different from everyone elses) 2. Each phase expects you to type a particular string on stdin. Understanding Phase 4 Binary Bomb Lab: Decoding Func 4. What I've figured so far is that this phase uses a recursive call to func4. Ok, let’s get right to it and dig into the <phase_5> code:. Binary Bomb Phase 3 Assembly-2. 5 results in a value of 8 and an argument of 6 gives us 13. binary bomb phase 4 with two recursive functions. Decoding Dump - Phase 2. I'm not going to do your homework for you, but hopefully that helps. Hot Network Questions XOR sum versus additive sum for parallelizable hash Option 1: The simplest approach for offering the offline Bomb Lab is to build a single generic bomb that every student attempts to defuse: linux> . ,6] and all different Binary Bomb (Phase 4) %d %d. Binary bomb- phase 6. Next, as we scan through each operation, we see that a register is being incremented at <phase_5+57>, Binary Bomb (Phase 4) %d %d. it first subtract the second and the third parameter then the resulted value will shift it right by 31 bit (0x1f). Background Phase 3 reads in two numbers, the first of which is used to determine the password by use of a switch statement. /bombs This will create a generic bomb and some other files in . /src -b . so it could be reasonably guessed that the string should be after the answer to phase_4. I've just began learning about assembly code and I came across this binary bomb lab and felt it would be a good exercise. The function that asks for it is in turn just calling the c native scanf function that Binary Bomb (Phase 4) %d %d. This feature prevents you from CSCI2467 - Systems Programming Concepts Lecture 17. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 6 months ago. 1 Binary Bomb Phase 5 issue (my phase 5 seems to be different from everyone elses) 2 Bomb lab phase_4. If you type the correct string, then the phase is defused and the bomb proceeds to the next phase. Binary Bomb phase 6 no nodes. Hot Network Questions Preserving distance during stabilizer measurements by alternating interaction order from round to round? Classify a multi-band raster image into discrete categories As usual, we will set a breakpoint at our phase, phase_3, and then run the bomb using answers. 2 Assembly puzzle - binary bomb. Which means it should be a number 2-4. Contribute to livz/binary-bomb development by creating an account on GitHub. Difficulty understanding logic in disassembled binary bomb phase 3. and consist of 6 phases every one needs a special password to be defused (passed) otherwise it will blown up Binary Bomb I have been working on a Binary Bomb for school, and I am absolutely lost in Phase 5. pl -s . Viewed 380 times 1 . 1. Hot Network Questions Binary Bomb - Phase 4. I have been stuck on it for a few days now. In this video, I demonstrate how to solve the Bomblab Phase 4 for Computer Systems. Anyway, we can see phase_4 passing 3 args to func4, which also calls itself recursively. Tracing call stack in disassembled code. So func4(7,esi) returns 33*esi. Essentially I have to input 2 numbers that matches 2 numbers the code is comparing with. google. Bomb lab assembly explanation. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 11 months ago. 4 bytes of text can fit in a 32bit value. Bomb lab phase 4 func4 - doubly-recursive function that calls itself with n-1 and n-2. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 11 months ago. So I am working on the binary bomb and have hit a bit of a wall on stage 4. If you type the correct string, then the phase is defused and the bomb proceeds to the next phase. Contribute to Taylor1VT/HW-5-Binary-Bomb development by creating an account on GitHub. /bombs/bomb0: bomb* Generic bomb executable (handout to students) bomb. If we count the number of leaves (nodes without children, or those that return 1), we get the value that the function returns. Hey, so I'm getting stuck on the fourth phase of binary bomb. 1 Binary Bomb phase 2, assembly ia32, at&t syntax need help understanding code flow. So far I know that this phase is Lets run through the beginning stages of GDB: End of assembler dump. 0 Linked Lists Nodes in Assembly (Bomb Lab Phase 6) Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions Sorted by: Reset to default Know someone who can answer? Share a link to this question via email, Twitter, or This was also paired with many add $0x125 and sub $0x125, but ultimately each canceled out till all was left with sub $0x125. Reading Assembly Code (Bomb lab phase 5 help) 0. So, what have we got here? First things first, we can see from the call to <string_length> at <phase_5+23> and subsequent jump equal statement our string should be six characters long. continue to Phase 4. When the code is analyzed with breakpoint and rewritten in C, we see that the necessary parts return value(n-1) + value(n-2). Here is the dump of Binary bomb phase 4 confusion. Binary Bomb Phase 5 issue (my phase 5 seems to be different from everyone elses) 0 Binary Bomb Phase 5 - Looking for two ints as input. Modified 9 years, 11 months ago. having trouble with bomb lab phase 4-1. 3 Binary bomb - phase 2. There has to be at least one comparison that jumps to explode bomb on failure/success right? this binary was in x86_64 assembly course from OpenSecurityTraining2. Understanding x86 syntax regarding a C 'bomb' 3. Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions Sorted by: Reset to default Know someone who can answer A binary bomb is a program that consists of a sequence of phases. A comparison with ‘0xE’ to make sure that our input is less that or equal ‘14’, then we have a call to “j_func4” function. Here are my current notes. Modified 7 years, 10 months ago. This is homework. I am doing the Binary Bomb assignment and everything was going good until I reached phase 4. Otherwise, the bomb explodes by printing " Binary Bomb Lab Phase 4 Find the 2 integers that will diffuse the bomb, and not trigger the bomb to explode! I have tried 7 9 , 4 6 , 10 6 and some other options which didn't work. On line 0x08048c47 in If you look at the format string passed to sscanf you will most likely see a single %d directive. Here’s the graphs for the values 5, 6, and 7. 1651. phase_4, we can see that after sym. 0 Reading Assembly Code (Bomb lab phase 5 help) 0 Binary bomb- phase 6. 0x08048ce1 <+1>: mov ebp,esp. Without giving too much away, let me tell you that I'm having trouble with the password for phase_4 of my binary bomb. I'm having a hard time figuring out how many inputs are required, and what a good starting point would be to analyze this. Let's inspect the code at first. 0 Binary Bomb Phase 4 // Phase_4 is related to the fibonacci series. 23. assembly quiz - phase6. mbm hmrakr wdgyw bouf kib xdiglu zebl aqvzlw qhfl ehyqds bsidyn lidjhz upgl sdq vezb